Brittany and ruger's Blog – April 2011 Archive (7)

Second vet visit

We took ruger for his second vet visit so he could have an exam and his shots the vet says he looks awesome and said they ran all the tests from the first vet visit and he looked great he said we did a great job at picking a breeder cause we had his shot records from the breeder and he looks very healthy and good so im happy to here that he is so healthy and is doing very good and nothing came up on this second vet visit they did the exam and he got his shots and he did give him the tick shot… Continue

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 24, 2011 at 9:36am — No Comments

Rugers first hike

We took ruger on his first hike i put pics of it up it wasnt a long hike just a shortone down to a creek at sorter nature park it was really fun and ruger loved it he loved playing in the mudd and the water im really happy that he did so good and also that he loved the water causewhen it gets warm were goin to behiking all the time and this summer we are gong to take him to the beach all the time to so im happy he loves water we have been tryin to walk him on a leash everyday but he seems not… Continue

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 12, 2011 at 12:19am — 1 Comment

Classes cancled tell next week

Well once again ruger training classes were cancled but when we put him in petsmart training classes they cancled intell april 20 so we switched to one that is called the dog house that started napril5 but was canceled intell next tuesday so in fell every time i get excited about starting classes they get cancled it sucks but it is suppose to be next tuesday for sure and we cant wait

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 8, 2011 at 7:32am — 3 Comments

Agelity training

I really would love to get Ruger into agility training i have read up on alot of it and for a starter kit it would only be between 30 to 50 dollars.I know they have to be a year old to compete but i can start training him be for that. I think it would be fun for both of us or all three of us (including my boyfriend) there lots of benifits to doing it. i am taking him to regular obediance training classes to start on the puppy basics like sit, stay, come, lay down, ect which i read they need to… Continue

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 4, 2011 at 8:58am — 4 Comments

Scared of load noises

Ruger is scared of load noises for some reason.It started when we brought him home but we thought it was cause he was in a new inviroment but he still is scared and we have had him for over a week now. I will take him outside to go potty and i have to take him to the front yard and let the big dogs in the back yard or he get destractedand wont go potty and just want to play but any ways we take him into the front yard and if the other dogs bark he freaks out and runs up the stairs like he is… Continue

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 4, 2011 at 8:39am — 1 Comment


In colorado a german sheperd heeler mix was drgged to his death behind a truck by some cruel person please go to and sign for buddy thank you

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 1, 2011 at 8:32pm — 1 Comment

Vet today

Ruger went to the vet today for the first time since we have had him he had to get his second set of shots an exam and deworming he did really good cause he loves attention and people so much and everyone falls in love with him the girl at the vet office didnt want to give him back cause she said he was so cute he was the highlight of the office today he had to get an exam and an ok by our vet to start training classes we had an appt for his second shots on april 11 but our vet said we can just… Continue

Added by Brittany and ruger on April 1, 2011 at 2:09pm — 1 Comment

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