Emily Schroeder's Blog – April 2008 Archive (4)

Spot fetish?

I was looking through puppyfind.com because I like looking at all the cute little puppies. It's where I found Zephyr, so I know that some people on there are honest. I found… Continue

Added by Emily Schroeder on April 16, 2008 at 2:34pm — 4 Comments

Teething update.

Zephyr only has ONE puppy front tooth. The fangs are still there, but all of the little front teeth have fallen out except for one loner dangling by a vessel. You can see her big girl teeth are already starting to come in! I'm sooo surprised how fast the process is. It's only been like 5 days and she's already growing new teeth in! Those are the most obvious ones, I'm sure she's getting new molars in too, but I wouldn't know the difference and it's not as cute as her gap-tooth grin.

Added by Emily Schroeder on April 5, 2008 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Another tooth!

Zephyr must've lost the second one last night because I checked this morning and the tooth right next to yesterday's hole is gone! If she keeps going at this rate soon she's not going to have any front teeth!

Secretly I know that the white kitty must be knocking them out. That's why Muffle looks so smug every time she walks by Zephyr's kennel.

Added by Emily Schroeder on April 2, 2008 at 2:12pm — 2 Comments


Zephyr lost her first tooth today! Or at least the first one that's noticable, lol. It's one of the front bottom ones. Gives her a cute gap tooth smile! I know this is just the first step into the chewing everything phase, but I'm happy because I think it's a big milestone.

Added by Emily Schroeder on April 1, 2008 at 2:41pm — 2 Comments

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