Emily Schroeder's Blog – June 2008 Archive (2)

Corgi tattoo? Opinions wanted.

I've been contemplating the idea for a couple days. I think that my next tattoo will be a little corgi silhouette on my ankle. I love my dog and I don't think I ever want to own any other kind of dog and this would be a permanent proof of my corgi-love.

I understand that tattoos are permanent. I have one already so I know they hurt, lol. I just wonder what people think.

So, what do you think? A nice little corgi silhouette, with or without "real dogs don't have tails".

Added by Emily Schroeder on June 11, 2008 at 3:29am — 14 Comments


Zephyr's spay incision got infected. According to the vet it is "normal" for her breed to get infections because they're such an active dog. I certainly wasn't expecting it! It didn't start until about a week ago, three-ish weeks after her surgery. It got REALLY swollen and very fluid filled, but not draining. I was worried, so I had my boyfriend take her to the vet at the first possible moment. But like I said the vet just said it was normal and sent him away (thank god they didn't charge me… Continue

Added by Emily Schroeder on June 6, 2008 at 2:05am — 2 Comments

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