Rachael McClanahan's Blog – June 2012 Archive (4)

Pippa's Diary-The Aftermath

It was looking bleak. The oppressors had been gone for what felt like weeks. My water bowl was dangerously close to the half way point, and I was beginning to feel myself waste away. Dante seemed to have succumbed to insanity as well. He was acting as though the people had been gone for mere minutes. I feared they had forgotten us.

Just as I was feeling my end was near, I heard a familiar sound rumble in the distance! It was them! Oh they hadn't forgotten us after all!…


Added by Rachael McClanahan on June 18, 2012 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

Pippa's Diary

I think the people are trying to kill me. They put the dumb one and me outside. Something about having to leave for a little while, and not wanting to find the bed chewed up again. Whatever. They just want to see me wilt in the staggering heat of sunset. Dante doesn't seem to care, but I think he may be a bit simple-minded. The people can just leave me out here, then. It will give me plenty of time to plot my revenge. If I don't succumb to the elements first. (Seriously, don't they realize…


Added by Rachael McClanahan on June 17, 2012 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Stray attack = suddenly aggressive corgi

5/22/12 A couple of weeks ago (right after we got Dante), Pippa and Dante got attacked by a stray dog on one of our walks. Dante was so scared that he couldn't move, and even peed himself. Pippa seemed to think she was protecting both me and Dante. Ever since then, Pippa has been very confrontational with other dogs. Even when trying to play, she is overly rough and bites/growls more than she used to. During our last walk before bedtime last night, another dog came running straight for us,…


Added by Rachael McClanahan on June 8, 2012 at 12:54pm — 8 Comments

Puppy fever!

I keep finding myself looking at photos of red and white corgis and daydreaming...But no! I have to resist! Three corgis and three kids would probably drive me bonkers in the small space we have...Once we finally get a house I will start my search for fur baby # 3, but until then I am out of luck. Back to echoing "D'aww" to photos of other people's r/w corgis...

Added by Rachael McClanahan on June 2, 2012 at 4:36am — 1 Comment

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