I've not had much to say about anything in a long time.
Watson’s now 8 months, still has a submissive and excited peeing problem, and is living with just me. Not to bore you with the details, but Joe and myself had to split up and because I’m now living with my parents again with a backyard, I took Watson.
Watson getting ready for the 3 1/2 hour trip with Zoe! We moved to Abilene, moving practically everything in two days. Watson did well in the car, unlike…
ContinueAdded by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on June 9, 2012 at 5:30pm — 6 Comments
Has anyone had any problems with this before??
I went and searched all I could about it... I can't tell him 'no' or anything, I just kinda gotta ignore it according to most of what's out there, and to praise him when he doesn't do it.
It started probably a couple weeks ago, after he got in trouble for chewing on stuff he wasn't supposed to... I screeched out a 'No' because he was starting to eat/chew on a plastic bag that we had on the floor filled with groceries. Yes…
ContinueAdded by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on January 3, 2012 at 4:54pm — 4 Comments
I must start by saying sorry for the HUGE post, but I'm very happy about things with Watson today!
I happened to have found the original magazines where I first saw Corgis and fell in love with them 7 years ago. It was "Training for Agility" by Popular Dogs series. It has this picture of a Tri-Coloured Pem leaping through a tire jump. After that I was curious and many hours of…
ContinueAdded by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on December 13, 2011 at 3:03am — 6 Comments
No joke, it was super exciting going to get the little pup! He was super precious running out to greet us as we walked up. The Breeder picked him up and just went "Here he is." and plopped him in my arms.
We went inside and got his papers, information on the shots he got, which he needs, and some food they'd been feeding him. Joe and I kept switching on who was holding him and petting his fluffy butt.
All was well, we had bought a big crate for him to sleep in at the…
ContinueAdded by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on November 20, 2011 at 2:39pm — 6 Comments
Arg! I'm so flipping excited for Watson to come into our life! It's driving me crazy and he's ready to come home this weekend, but ((as we're still living with my mother)) we can't have him quite yet!
I've been trying to convince her to let us get him at least a little early, as we only have 2 weeks left till we move. How could she say NO to this face??…
ContinueAdded by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on November 5, 2011 at 8:12pm — 13 Comments
D: I keep finding such sweet looking Corgis on Craigslist. I super want two, but I know the hubby with say no immediately.
If you're in the DFW area or anywhere near by and are looking for a Corgi, you can see if this one meets your needs: http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/pet/2653386275.html :)
Added by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on October 17, 2011 at 5:24am — 1 Comment
I was browsing Craigslist looking for anything we could use at the new apartment, (couches, dog stuff, cat stuff) and came across this precious girl that was put up today. http://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/pet/2647881660.html
I would love to take her but I don't think we could since we're about to get a puppy and it's an apartment. I also think the hubby wouldn't let me get two... :( I hope she find a good…
ContinueAdded by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on October 13, 2011 at 6:30pm — 5 Comments
We're about to get our pup in November, and I'm trying to sort things out before our sweet pup gets here. We'll be moving to the North Addision area and I wanted to know if anyone was from around there that could recommend a good veterinarian from there or close to there.
The vet we used to visit is a sad place especially for my hubby. :( We had lost a kitten there...…
ContinueAdded by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on October 12, 2011 at 1:02am — 3 Comments
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