I've not had much to say about anything in a long time. 

Watson’s now 8 months, still has a submissive and excited peeing problem, and is living with just me. Not to bore you with the details, but Joe and myself had to split up and because I’m now living with my parents again with a backyard, I took Watson.

Watson getting ready for the 3 1/2 hour trip with Zoe! We moved to Abilene, moving practically everything in two days. Watson did well in the car, unlike Zoe, who flipped out and crawled over everything. I eventually had to tie her down to keep her from roaming in the car and breaking things. 

We got to Abilene pretty well. Had to stay with my grandparents for a couple of days while we fixed a few things in the house and dog proofed the fence.

So while we were out there Watson joined me in a walk down the road with Meg, my grandparent’s dog.

He’s a good boy and didn’t stray further than probably a couple yards from me. He was really excited to go out and look at everything. We walked two miles that day! We also saw some horses.

Just the two younger ones on the first mile, then on the second when my grandparents and brother joined me, we saw the older white horse as well. Watson nearly got kicked in the head for getting a bit close to that one though. He learned his lesson and stuck by my side instead of getting under foot. He enjoyed the time out there even if it was a bit hot. He got a nice cool bath after the walk though, then a dip in the pool. xD

He’s now safely in the backyard with Zoe and Sadie. I think he’s glad to have a huge yard to roam in without worrying about yappy little Chihuahuas. He got several treats while I Furminated him a bit for a while. He’s getting to be such a sweetheart now, after he gets all his piddle out and calms down. 

He's been really good and I've only had to get onto him once about the barking. Zoe, on the other hand, will NOT stop barking at the birds. I think the only trouble he's really gotten into has to be when Zoe tipped the trash can over and strung all the garbage in the yard. Watson decided to roll on something that made me give him a bath. Ew. 

I've been reading and watching videos on YouTube trying to see if I can teach Watson other things besides come, sit, and stay. I need to work on his stay MUCH more. He gets distracted easily, so that needs to be worked on. 

Views: 128


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Comment by Kaitlyn & Chase on June 10, 2012 at 10:22pm

This is a video that I found and it helped me teach Chase to "stay"


It took him 2 days to learn how to stay, and we managed to perfect it in a week.
It amazes me how smart he is.
Good luck to you and your furbabies! I hope you all enjoy your new home!

Comment by Sam Tsang on June 10, 2012 at 10:09am
Comment by Laura and Tommy Jefferson on June 9, 2012 at 9:38pm

Good luck with everything, Lauren! Hope Watson enjoys the new place! 

Comment by Lauren, Zeus, and Watson on June 9, 2012 at 9:24pm

Thanks, I really hope things are going to be all right with this move.

And I meant Abilene TX. Parents moved here to be closer to my grandparents. I don't think there's anyone around here with a Corgi. xD I think I'll have to drive further out to go to any meet ups.

Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on June 9, 2012 at 8:56pm

I am wondering...Abilene TX or KS?  I am from Kansas and always love a connection with home.  Either way,  good luck with your BIG move!!  XOXO

Comment by Cindi on June 9, 2012 at 8:15pm

Glad you all have settled in.  I'm sure there are still challenges to come.  But it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and Watson and Zoe to keep you in line.  Best of luck going forward!

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