Christen & Bentley's Blog (14)

Foster Home Study

So Sharon with Sunshine Corgi rescue is coming tomorrow to do a home study so I can be a foster mom. I am so excited & a bit nervous. I hope I get approved & get to help corgi's find furever homes. Wish me luck !!!!


Well Sharon just left, what a very nice person. I know I could learn alot from her. She seems to think I would be good to be a foster parent, so hopefully soon I will have a foster corgi who I can love & get placed in a…


Added by Christen & Bentley on September 8, 2010 at 7:00pm — 9 Comments


I saw this on facebook & thought I would share it.

Non-pet owners who visit & like to complain about our pets:

1. They live here. You don't.

2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. That's why they call it 'fur'niture.

3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.

4. To you they are animals. To me they are my babies who are short, hairy, walk on all fours and don' t speak…


Added by Christen & Bentley on July 10, 2010 at 9:59pm — 2 Comments

Bentley is having his behavior evaluation

So tomorrow Bentley is having a behaviior evaluation with Katie from Courteous Canine in Lutz, FL. I am so excited but nervous at the same time. If you all dont know I rescued Bentley from Animal Services about 2 1/2 months ago. Heartworm postive, tapworm, upper respiratory infection, fungal skin infection. His health is getting better & better everyday & acting like a corgi more & more evryday. Bentley hates the out cat. He all out wants to rip him apart its very scary. He does… Continue

Added by Christen & Bentley on July 9, 2010 at 7:03pm — 14 Comments



Added by Christen & Bentley on July 6, 2010 at 9:13pm — 4 Comments

First time out on the town

Well Bentley had is first trip out & about. He has been to the vet 3 times but thats the only place he has been other than home. Bentley has been showing some aggression towards other dogs (not our other dog though) & wants to kill our cat even after 2 months being with us. We took Bentley to petsmart, were is marked his teritory throughout the whole store and did well there. I met my mom at the dog park which I was really worried about with all the other dogs, we were there for about… Continue

Added by Christen & Bentley on July 3, 2010 at 2:38pm — 1 Comment

Best dog parkes in the Tampa Bay area

So on TBO.COM the had a article & listing of the best dog parks in the Tampa Bay area, Check it out.

Added by Christen & Bentley on May 21, 2010 at 1:21pm — No Comments

North central Florida Corgi *FREE*

I saw this ad on ocala4sale.

Added by Christen & Bentley on May 20, 2010 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Bentley started his heartworm treatment today

Well Bentley started his less invasive heartworm treatment today. He was such a good dog and wanted to check out all the doggys in the office. Bentley is doing 6 week interval treatment. he is doing once a week heartguard & twice a day doxycycline. The vet said it is less stressful on the dog then the painful three shot procedure & with Bentley being older but for him.... Also, he is becoming my chunky butt, when I got him 22 days ago he weighed 28 lbs. he weighed 35.5 lbs today. Gotta… Continue

Added by Christen & Bentley on May 19, 2010 at 7:45pm — 9 Comments

Bentley goes in tomorrow to start heartworm treatment, I'm so nervous for him........

***Bentley Update*** Well I have had Bentley now for 3 weeks. He is doing great & acting more & more like a corgi even in his old age (8 yrs old). I think some hair is even growing on his back (he has a flea allergy that turned into a fungal infection). If you didnt see me previos blog post, Corgi Aid is paying for his heartworm treatment & dental work(he had bad nasty teeth). Bentley goes into tomorrow to start heartworm treatment & we are going to not my normal vet. I…


Added by Christen & Bentley on May 18, 2010 at 4:08pm — 7 Comments

Horray for Bentley

Well Bentley & I just got some GREAT news. Corgi Aid, Inc. is going to pay for Bentley's heartworm treatment & dental work. Bentley begins his heartworm treatment on May 19. Once he is heartworm negative then we will begin the dental work. What a wonderful group !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Added by Christen & Bentley on May 10, 2010 at 8:43pm — 11 Comments

*Bentley Update*

Well we have had Bentley home for 9 days now. He just got done with his forst bath & he did WONDERFUL!!!!! (He couldnt have a bath right away from being neutuered 10 days ago). He got a bath in his special medicated shampoo that costs more than my shampoo(but he is worth ever penny of it). He is doing great taking his meds, takes them like a champ. Still working on the potty training thing but I know it takes time especially since he is 8 yrs old. He doesnt like the crate but it has to be… Continue

Added by Christen & Bentley on May 6, 2010 at 8:02pm — 5 Comments


May be you can help these dogs out. I would love to but with just getting Bentley my plate is full right now.

Added by Christen & Bentley on May 2, 2010 at 12:45am — 2 Comments

Picking up Bentley Today !!!!!

So I am picking up Bentley today from Hillsborough County Animal Control. I am so excited that I am taking half the day of from work to pick him up earlier because I would probably be antsy all day waiting. I will post later the laundry lists of things the animal control says that is wrong with him. I cant wait to get him on the road to recovery. I just cant believe someone would let him get to the condition he is in, although he was a stray why didnt his owners look for him.......

Added by Christen & Bentley on April 27, 2010 at 9:04am — 13 Comments

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