Kimber-Leigh May's Blog (4)

kind of unrelated details

So this isnt really related to corgis... well not directly. I was sooooo excited today when i did my weigh in that in the last 6-7 weeks i have lost 18 lbs. I am trying very very hard to lose a total of 40 lbs by 08/02/09 which is my wedding day... for two reasons i dont wanna be super chub at my own wedding and i wann fit into the dress i already bought lol i would rather it be taken in ... it cannot really be let out much. So i was soooo excited i had to share this news with every community i… Continue

Added by Kimber-Leigh May on May 15, 2009 at 12:47am — 9 Comments

for the lovers of corgi artwork as well

There is a wonderful book.. a comic book or graphic novel if you will called Korgi. My Fiance bought it for me about a month or so after i got Favorite. This book is the best book you will ever find. It is illustrated by a wonderful artist named Christian Slade who fell in love with the breed after he met his wife Ann who already had one. He realized that corgis were the best dog ever.. thier character and thier love of mischief made it easy to want to draw them. I get that same itch sometimes… Continue

Added by Kimber-Leigh May on April 23, 2009 at 10:26pm — No Comments

My super smart girl

I am going to post a laundry list of all the commands Favorite knows and is currently learning

1) Sit

2) Down

3) Stay

4) Come

5) On your feet ( also known as stand but she kept getting it confused with stay so i gave it a new name)

6) Back up

7) High Five

8) Shake

9) Touch it ( she will put her paw on anything i put in front of her)

10) Take it ( will take something in her mouth)

11) Keep it ( will keep something in her… Continue

Added by Kimber-Leigh May on April 19, 2009 at 2:00am — 4 Comments


So when i first got Favorite and brought her home she was a spaz. I was ready for that and now after 14 mos with me she is one of the best behaved dogs i have ever met. I have been told by people that she would be a good therapy dog. I never paid much mind to that because i figured that it would be way to much work for us. with me working 40 hrs a week and planning a wedding and my sister just had a baby etc. Well last night i was reading online about therapy dogs and the steps it takes to get… Continue

Added by Kimber-Leigh May on April 13, 2009 at 1:11am — 4 Comments

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