Miss Jane's Blog (7)

Stinky Breathe!

Whenever I drive, Rambo likes to sit half way in my lap in the driver's seat. As he's close to me, he often look at me and opens his mouth. I noticed how bad his breathe has been lately. Is there such thing as breathe mints for dogs?

Added by Miss Jane on April 27, 2008 at 6:20pm — 4 Comments

Walk walk Rambo Walks

Finally, after a long few weeks of agnoy and worries, Rambo is finally walking. He's been doing so well when the weather has became just in time to be so sunny for walks. I am so proud of his growth and learning abilities I can hardly wait to see what kind of tricks he will be learning.

We went to the beach yesterday and saw a lot of dogs too! I think Rambo is going to be one of those happy dogs at the beaches just when summer is around the corner. :D

Added by Miss Jane on February 17, 2008 at 12:12pm — No Comments

WannaB purse dog

Ok Rambo is driving me a little nuts because I wanted a dog that can walk with me not having me carrying him all the times. He does not like having a collar and walk with a leash. I can't carry him all the time as he is getting heavy for me to put him in my little gym bag.

What's the best way to encourage your corgi to walk with you? How much older do they need to get to start getting used to walking?

Added by Miss Jane on February 1, 2008 at 5:08pm — 1 Comment

Little Chubbier...

I started a new diet for Rambo and I can notice the difference in his poop and weight. His stomach is getting a little bigger than it used to be. Then when he stretches out to lie down, it looks like a hamster. I wonder if it's because i am not playing with him enough to get him the exercises. He also doesn't like to walk much when we are outside. How much time do you have to spend with puppies in order to keep them in shape?

I think my calculation of him sleeping is on an average of… Continue

Added by Miss Jane on January 28, 2008 at 1:46pm — No Comments

Corgi webcam broadcasting! *lol*

I wonder what it was like to raise a dog back in the old days when you had to go to work and leave your dog at home on its own..well I wonder no more because with my friend's help, I can watch him when I am at work. That's right, Corgi web cam is the solution of the year 2008.

It works quite well actually, you would just remote desktop into your home computer and monitor the activities. I wonder if i can slowly just leave him outside of his crate and observe his behavoirs… Continue

Added by Miss Jane on January 23, 2008 at 12:45pm — 5 Comments

Day 3, a sunny Sunday in January.

Ok still got a long way to go with pee pee, but doo doos have been good and dropped off on the diaper. Rambo pee'd on me today when we went to see my friends. Oh that guy! I believe he is doing better and better everyday. I am going to be more persistent with him too. I think he and I are both in a good learning process!

Man, he sure can sleep! I guess that's like owner like dog. lol

Added by Miss Jane on January 21, 2008 at 1:46am — 2 Comments

Day 2

Theory meets reality!

I think I was naive to get a puppy but I also think it's good to start some where some time in my life to accept this new responsibility.

I picked up Rambo from the airport yesterday and drove back with my friend. It was a long day! He is hyper yet sweet! And a lot of work! Everything about him is great! I adore him and he's so cute and everyone noticed how unique he is. The greatest challenge yet is potty training.

He's not going on the… Continue

Added by Miss Jane on January 19, 2008 at 7:44pm — 3 Comments

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