Whenever I drive, Rambo likes to sit half way in my lap in the driver's seat. As he's close to me, he often look at me and opens his mouth. I noticed how bad his breathe has been lately. Is there such thing as breathe mints for dogs?

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Comment by Miss Jane on May 5, 2008 at 10:14pm
Thanks for the comments everyone. Sounds like some dental care time for little Rambo! :)
Comment by Charlie on April 29, 2008 at 10:19am
It's possible that you're smelling a little blood from Rambo losing his puppy teeth. Isn't he about 5-6 months now? If so, he is losing his premolars and they'll bleed a bit when they come out. You should definitely be looking in his mouth everyday to make sure his adult teeth are coming in correctly. If you see any adult teeth coming in and the baby tooth has not fallen out, food could be getting stuck and cause odor too. If you haven't gotten him used to regular tooth brushing, this is a great time to start. : - )
Comment by Court on April 27, 2008 at 8:14pm
I think the other comments are important to check, but I give Court a treat after our last walk of the day (9-10pm): a 'teenie' Greenie. I bought the box of 96 teenie sized Greenies (the smallest) ffor 29.99, so that's about 3 months...it took a few days, or more, but now he never has bad breath. the other thing I do is he gets a highly nutritious dry dog food, 3/4 cup 2 times a day and he likes plain yogurt or acidophilus yogurt, a couple small spoons mixed in, that seems to help his digestion and may help his breath as well.
Comment by Cheri on April 27, 2008 at 6:37pm
I brush my babies teeth several times a week. But if they start getting the stinky breath, I get the scaler out and get the tarter off their teeth. Follow that up with a brushing and the stinky breath will be gone.

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