Last night when we returned home from dinner out, there was a mess in the kitchen. someone had bloody diareha. It was either 13 year old Myles or his 7 yr old Pappilon sister Madison. It was not until this morning that I discovered who had done it. it was Myles. For now, we are watching him, as the blood has stopped as quickly as it started. I am hoping he has some sort of a virus and he is not showing any other signs of distress.

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Comment by Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom on September 7, 2008 at 2:00pm
I would like to let you know that Myles will be fine. He went to the Vet on Wednesday, and was given antibiotics. He has an intestinal infection. Within 48 hours he was doing much better.
Comment by Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom on September 1, 2008 at 7:36pm
thank you for your concerns.
I don't think he has had a raw hide lately unless he found one somewhere that he may have hid , then found again.

He was OK this afternoon, but again, this evening, bloody stool. Grrr.
He will be going to the vet as soon as they can take him, later this week. I will call tomorrow.

I only worry becuase he is 13, but he is so active and shows no signs of not feeling well. He is eating and drinking his normal, but drinking a bit more than usual. But it has been very hot hear lately too.
Comment by Sam Tsang on September 1, 2008 at 4:09pm
Did Myles have rawhide recently? Get well soon!

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