The First and Second Rules of Dog Club (Small Dog Breed Issue)

Don't read this before lunch.....


Email from John: "How did I get this old without knowing that dogs' anuses need periodic ... ugh ... juicing? WTF?"


Backstory: Ani's been sliding around on her rump and biting her flank. Turns out her anal glands need to be squeezed or some thing. WHO KNEW? This is not one of those things people tell you until after you join Dog Club. First rule of Dog Club: Don't talk about Dog Club. BUT the Second Rule of Dog Club: Don't tell dogless people about the anal glands until after they're hooked and in.


Anyway, vet appointment made for this afternoon.




Side note: I guess this is a thing that largely affects smaller breeds. Both my husband and I had larger breed dogs as kids, so we'd never run into this before. My friends with dachshunds are apparently all old hands at this. My coworker has offered to show me how to "dejuice" the glands in a way that it won't be totally gross. (Apparently it will still be somewhat gross. Just not TOTALLY gross.)


Also: She's just been de-wormed and given flea meds, but she might have coccidia since there are chickens at her breeder's house. So we've looked into those options too. But when she kept on with her butt scooting and flank biting, we started to get worried and looked it up.

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Comment by Jane on May 23, 2011 at 4:09pm
I would definitely have a fecal done. I think she's kind of young to need to be expressed already? But I could be wrong. Sometimes worms can cause them to scoot too.
Comment by Elizabeth Mitchell on May 23, 2011 at 4:06pm

More info on it: and


Discussions here on MyCorgi: and


Hopefully this is just something we need to do the once...or not very often. Apparently dachshunds and a few of the other small breeds, it is a fairly regular thing.

Comment by Solomon & Naomi's Page on May 23, 2011 at 4:01pm
Ok, ewww & gross combined!!!!!!  Never ever heard of this before.  I will have to make sure the vet does this as I know for a fact that I don't want to know this procedure.

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