We had quite a scare tonight. Tootsie had a very large and swollen tummy. She drank a lot of water and then urinated a bunch on her walk.  Brian thought something was up but he kept trying to put it to the back of his mind and tried to make himself think that he was over reacting.  Tootsie came in from her walk and was lying on the floor. Brian rubbed her tummy and heard a sound that was similar to Toots passing gas.  He looked down and frantically called for me.  Tootsie was bleeding from her woman parts.  We started soaking up the blood with paper towels and Brian told me that he instantly knew it was pyometra.  I had never heard of this and trying to think of a logical explanation that was not so fatal.  Brian called his dad but his dad lives 2 hours away and we were going to wait for him to come.  I called my mom and she came over.  My mom was very calm and asked some questions about what was happening.  We had already called our vet and left messages but they were not accepting emergencies tonight.  I tried to stay calm and leave a message that they could understand but it was difficult as I was leaving a message for someone to get at 8:00 am the next morning when Brian and I knew that Tootsie might not be alive at 8:00 am the next morning unless someone did something.  Thankfully Brian called a somewhat local vet that had late hours.  It was 9:00 pm and they closed at 10:00 pm.  We left the house immediately and made it to the vet about 9:30pm.  The tech took one look at Toots and agreed with Brian about it being pyometra. They did an x-ray and ran some blood work.  We got very scared when the vet told us that if the blood work showed that Toots' kidneys and liver were effected by the pyometra, surgery was not an option.  That was the longest 5 minute blood test ever.  The vet came back in and told us that Tootsie's white blood cells were elevated and her red blood cells were low.  This was "normal" for pyometra and her liver and kidney tests were normal.  We loved on Tootsie for what we thought could be the last time and watched her go behind a closed door for surgery.  We were told that it would be one to two hours.  We were so scared because Tootsie has never been under anesthesia before.  We went to Steak and Shake because we didn't want to leave the town the vet was located in case we had to go quickly to say goodbye.  Thankfully about one hour after leaving, we received a call to tell us that Tootsie was out of surgery and that she was waking up from anesthesia and moving her head.  We can pick her up tomorrow.  We have cried so many tears of worry and sorrow this evening and ended them with tears of joy in the Steak and Shake.  I can't wait to have Tootsie home tomorrow.  

Tootsie will be 12 in August and we are faced with her mortality every day.  We experienced a horrible scare in which she could not urinate late one night and we rushed her to an emergency vet in Indianapolis, IN and we were met with thousands of dollars worth of tests.  They were perfectly fine letting us believe it was bladder cancer.    They wouldn't let us see her because it would "stress her out more".  We took her from them without letting them run their thousands of dollars worth of tests on her and found a local vet that was open on Saturday morning.  It was a simple bladder infection.  

We love out Lady Toots as she is the first dog that my husband, Brian, and I owned as adults outside of our parent's home.  She has a special place in our hearts and we are not ready to say goodbye.  Thankfully that day has been postponed again.  

I love you Tootsie and I can't wait to hold you tomorrow and kiss you and snuggle you!

Ella and Brian

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Comment by Bev Levy on April 25, 2013 at 7:42am

So glad she is still with you!

Comment by Linda on April 25, 2013 at 7:28am

So grateful to hear that Tootsie will be ok!  How terrifying it was for you.  I understand about being faced with their mortality...my Max will be 11 in June and I don't know how I will cope without him.  I just keep telling myself what Valarie Harper said regarding her brain tumor...don't go to the funeral until the day of the funeral.

I have never heard of pyometra even tho I have had several females.  We also have Max's niece who just turned 8.  I will have to research it so I know what to look for just in case.

Again, I am so happy that she is going to be ok and will be home with you soon.

Comment by Beth Walker on April 25, 2013 at 3:25am

So glad to hear that Tootsie is going to be okay and made it thru her surgery. I know how scary it can be, we had a female come down with pyometra a few years ago. Luckily we caught it at avery early stage, but had a problem trying to find a vet since it was a holiday weekend. All went well with her and it will with Tootsie also. Ours prayers are with Tootsie tonight and glad she will be home tomorrow!

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