I know this isn't corgi related that much, but this does affect Dodger, but I did want to share this. So a good friend had contacted me late last night about an urgent matter. She knows I run my own business and she knows I take part in a lot of stuff that involve helping out shelters and getting pit bulls adopted out. So she contacted me and she was very upset and frantic and she begged me to help out this dog named Dusty. So she told me how this girl was being forced to give up her dog due to really harsh circumstances at home and she's in a panic trying to find someone who's going to give him a positive future instead of him landing back in a shelter (which just happens to be a high kill shelter). I didn't realize until today after my friend told me that the owner of the dog is a really close old friend of mine. Of course I was shock and immediately got in contact with her. So now that I'm aware of the situation, I'll be talking to my husband tomorrow to see how he feels about having a new addition to the family and sort out details, but it's quite possible that Dodger will have an older brother in the very near future. Even if things don't work out, I'm still going to work on finding Dusty a home.

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Comment by Linda on April 26, 2014 at 7:25pm

I am of the practice that asking forgiveness is easier than asking for permission.  But in this case you already asked for "permission" by asking his opinions and he gave them.  Yes, you need to think long and hard whether it will cause a great deal of friction in your marriage.  Then maybe a long hard talk between the two of you about how strongly you feel about rescue, what your ambitions are and what it means to you.  It may be that on the surface he thought he understood how you felt about doing rescue but he deep down he didn't. 

Comment by Autumn and Jonathan on April 26, 2014 at 5:51pm

Yeah I understand. I guess there's a lot of pros and cons I need to weigh then.

Comment by Jane Christensen on April 26, 2014 at 3:04pm

You need to do what you need to do...but do know that you may be reminded of it...it's been 6 years and although my husband takes good care of my rescues...I still hear about how they were to go to others homes not stay here...well...not ever going to happen...

Comment by Autumn and Jonathan on April 26, 2014 at 1:17pm

It does, it really does hurt. My husband knows it's my dream to one day run my own rescue and he was all on board with that and pushed me into starting my own business to work my way to that goal, but when it comes time to actually help an animal out like Dusty's situation, all of a sudden my husband is a different person. He makes a big deal about it and slams a bunch of excuses in my face. And I understand in his mind they're valid reasons, but even when I try to accommodate those reasons so it's not that big of a problem, it's not good enough and he expects more. Rescuing is something I grew up on and it's something I'm naturally good at, but it stings knowing this is how my husband is acting towards it. I don't want to cause any friction in our marriage, but at the same time I don't know how to make him understand and see things from my perspective on this.I'm half tempted to just go ahead a rescue Dusty even if I'm the only one on board with it. I'm basing it off of what my gut tells me and my gut says rescuing him and taking him in as my own is what I need to do.

Comment by Linda on April 26, 2014 at 10:56am

What Jane said....some people don't get it.  Mark was not big into rescuing adult dogs but I pushed for our first corgi.  Arnie had his problems but it worked out and he was more than on-board when it came to Max and Katie.  I do know that when it comes time to add another to our family my husband has his heart set on a puppy.  As he says...I'm retired now so I have the time to devote to the training of a puppy.  Ummm, maybe we will wait on that puppy till HE is retired so he can find out what  a puppy is like first hand.

What you do is very important and I know it hurts you to not be able take Dusty into your family.

Comment by Jane Christensen on April 26, 2014 at 10:44am

I understand your situation...I kept Teddy and Wiley(puppy mill rescues) and rehomed 2 others and after 6 years my hubby is still NOT happy about this. They are both heart dogs and will always be but will also always be  a point of friction between my husband and I. The work you do is important and some people will never get it.

Comment by Autumn and Jonathan on April 26, 2014 at 10:18am

I know I can't save the world, but this dog felt like it was meant for our little family and it felt like it was a sign to me. You're both right, I did try my best and did everything I could to help Dusty out. I'm not mad at my husband. I've just realized he will never understand or appreciate how much my work with rescuing animals and making a difference means to me and that he never wants another dog unless it's a husky, corgi, German Shepard, or an Alaskan malamute. In his eyes if it's not a pretty dog worth showing off and being proud of then he doesn't want anything to do with it. Which is on of many reasons I'm upset about him saying no, but it is what it is and I realize I have to respect my husband's decision. 

Comment by Linda on April 26, 2014 at 6:55am

I'm sorry....you tried and as Jane said, you can't save the world tho you want to.  Please don't be mad at your husband, he has his reasons and they are valid to him.  Lots of good thoughts and prayers going out for Dusty and for you that either a foster or forever home can be found.

Comment by Jane Christensen on April 26, 2014 at 12:11am

You tried and that's important too...like sometimes people have told me..."you can't save the world". Maybe someone could find a foster home for him? We have several people with our local humane society that will do fosters...it's for the best that you didn't get him and then find out as that would be even worse. Sending prayers Dusty's way!

Comment by Autumn and Jonathan on April 25, 2014 at 11:55pm

So, I have some really sad news. My husband has declined saving and helping out Dusty for selfish reasons. So, I now have a very heavy heart on what's going to happen to him. Since he's a dog that comes with "baggage," it's very hard to get dogs like that adopted out so there's not a single doubt in my mind that something bad will happen to him. So here's to sending good prayers his way and hoping he'll be safe.

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