I know this isn't corgi related that much, but this does affect Dodger, but I did want to share this. So a good friend had contacted me late last night about an urgent matter. She knows I run my own business and she knows I take part in a lot of stuff that involve helping out shelters and getting pit bulls adopted out. So she contacted me and she was very upset and frantic and she begged me to help out this dog named Dusty. So she told me how this girl was being forced to give up her dog due to really harsh circumstances at home and she's in a panic trying to find someone who's going to give him a positive future instead of him landing back in a shelter (which just happens to be a high kill shelter). I didn't realize until today after my friend told me that the owner of the dog is a really close old friend of mine. Of course I was shock and immediately got in contact with her. So now that I'm aware of the situation, I'll be talking to my husband tomorrow to see how he feels about having a new addition to the family and sort out details, but it's quite possible that Dodger will have an older brother in the very near future. Even if things don't work out, I'm still going to work on finding Dusty a home.

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Comment by Linda on April 25, 2014 at 11:23pm

Jane....that is so sad!  My vet told me that overweight dogs and cats are prone to obstructions.  Our Bubba (cat) was a big boy to begin with and he loved to eat.  I noticed him having problems one morning as I was getting ready for work.  He kept going to the litter box and straining....called the vet, called work and said I would be late.  He had an obstruction...vet cleaned him out.  But they kept occurring...the muscles begin to lose their ability to move things along.  Had to put him on special food and it was costing me a small fortune to take him to the vet constantly to be cleaned out.  So...I had to let the vet teach me how.  Wasn't nice for either of us but God love that cat, he never fought me, he never held a grudge and we did this for 5 years until he went into kidney failure at 18 years old.  Now I am really on top of not letting any of them get overweight.  Max is a big corgi...a good weight for him is between 35-37 lbs but he is big all around, he has paws the size of hams.

Comment by Jane Christensen on April 25, 2014 at 11:15pm

Positive thoughts sent your way that your husband will say "yes"!

Comment by Jane Christensen on April 25, 2014 at 11:11pm

Oh Linda...that was the Corgi I was going to get...the sweetest guy but soooooo overweight. He died of a bowel obstruction...I always felt an urgency to get him but was waiting till spring due to him being so far away!

Comment by Linda on April 25, 2014 at 7:28pm

Jane....when we went to look at Max (he had been returned to his breeder) he was the sorriest excuse for a corgi you ever saw.  He was 54 lbs and a fluffy that was shaved bald...not just trimmed but bald.  Best way to describe him was a pot bellied pig with a corgi head.  But I took one look into his eyes and I knew there was something special about him and I wasn't wrong.

Comment by Linda on April 25, 2014 at 1:58pm

Fingers crossed and sending positive vibes to your husband.  If he is anything like mine that dog would be in the house before you could blink.  Mine can't turn away a critter if his life depended on it.

Comment by Autumn and Jonathan on April 25, 2014 at 1:27pm

I finally heard back from her. I have enough details now that I can plan. In all honesty, after she told me his personality he'd probably be a best fit with my husband and I. So, now I just have to convince my husband. Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed that I can save this dog.

Comment by Jane Christensen on April 25, 2014 at 12:58pm

So sorry...you are right if she could just let you know more so you could at least be prepared...I'm sure this is very difficult for all of you....good luck.

Comment by Autumn and Jonathan on April 25, 2014 at 10:17am

I trying my best to help her. Right now the major problem is I don't think she really wants the help from anybody. No matter what I do she's just not talking about the whole issue or even telling me about the dog's personality. And going through a second or third party to find out personality details is never recommended for rehoming a dog. I understand it's hard for her and she has to give up a member of her family, but if she doesn't let me help her then he's going to end up in the shelter and it's going to be an even bigger race against time. Even right now, even though I haven't talked to my husband yet, I've been making phone calls and even kind preparing things here. I just don't think she's ready to let go yet and that's my biggest concern because that could lead to his death.

Comment by Jane Christensen on April 25, 2014 at 8:34am

Linda, I agree that Fate does play a part. I swear my 2 Corgi rescues are "thankful" everyday...I almost left Teddy behind and then at the last minute I said to go get him...best choice I ever made...I swear he "knows".

Comment by Linda on April 24, 2014 at 10:37pm

Thank you for helping her.  I can imagine the panic I would be in if I had to give up my dogs.  In a high kill shelter pitties don't stand a chance.  Lots of fingers crossed that Dodger and Tank it if off become best friends. 


Jane...what is meant to be will be.  Tank was meant to be your dog.  The Fates know.

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