I know this isn't corgi related that much, but this does affect Dodger, but I did want to share this. So a good friend had contacted me late last night about an urgent matter. She knows I run my own business and she knows I take part in a lot of stuff that involve helping out shelters and getting pit bulls adopted out. So she contacted me and she was very upset and frantic and she begged me to help out this dog named Dusty. So she told me how this girl was being forced to give up her dog due to really harsh circumstances at home and she's in a panic trying to find someone who's going to give him a positive future instead of him landing back in a shelter (which just happens to be a high kill shelter). I didn't realize until today after my friend told me that the owner of the dog is a really close old friend of mine. Of course I was shock and immediately got in contact with her. So now that I'm aware of the situation, I'll be talking to my husband tomorrow to see how he feels about having a new addition to the family and sort out details, but it's quite possible that Dodger will have an older brother in the very near future. Even if things don't work out, I'm still going to work on finding Dusty a home.

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Comment by Jane Christensen on April 24, 2014 at 10:36pm

Please keep us updated!

Comment by Autumn and Jonathan on April 24, 2014 at 10:00pm

Thank you for sharing with me. :)

Comment by Jane Christensen on April 24, 2014 at 9:01pm

Awww...this reminds me of Tank. The Corgi I was going to get died 2 weeks before he was to come live with us. I decided to adopt a dog that really needed us...not necessarily a corgi but that would have been nice. Many places that had a corgi and would have like me to take one had a policy that they had to be within 60-90 miles and we were not.

Sage and I met Tank to decide if he would work and the rest is history:) He is such a great dog and what we didn't know till we picked him up 10 days later was that our home was the 4th home and he was only a year old...we have never regretted getting Tank...he's such a great dog...I guess he was meant to be ours:)

Just had to share this!

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