Thanks to all the folks who commented on Betty Boop. Yes she is a happy little girl now, but her story is far from pleasant.

We have had Betty since April of this year. She came to us as a fearful old gal (9 years old). Her first few years were years of torture. Not abuse ... TORTURE. After many cuts, broken bones and heartaches, she retaliated and bit one of her tormentors. The father took her to the vet to be put down. The vet took one look and gave the guy a choice: surrender the dog or be charged with criminal animal abuse. Betty languished in a Corgi rescue for several years. The lady who ran the rescue died leaving her foster parents with the dogs. Betty's foster couldn't afford her any longer. None of the other rescues would accept her due to her age and fear aggression. Her foster mommy put out a plea on the internet. The only alternative appeared to be euthanasia. I was looking for a senior Basset Hound and ran across Betty's little face. It took me all of 30 seconds to want her. Her foster mommy brought her to our apartment. She snooped around and checked out the cat. Then she crawled up in my lap for some serious cuddling. Now, some seven months later, she is calm, cuddly and just a general sweetie pie. She had some lameness issues at first but she is on an herbal product that has her bombing around the dog park like a puppy. Yes. She is loved like never before and she has responded magnificently. We are both retired so we spend every minute with her except for her trips to Uncle Charlies house. She goes to the doggy park EVERY morning and for a long walk every evening. Everyone who meets her loves her and she is quite the social butterfly; making the rounds of the park's humans soliciting tummy rubs. We hope to make her last years happy ones. When it does come to the time she must leave us, she will be in Daddy's arms for the beginning of her new journey to the rainbow bridge. We can't envision being without her.

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Comment by Chris Payerl on November 19, 2014 at 5:33pm
Hurray for Betty Boop and for you! Everyone deserves someone to love them and it sounds like everyone has just that! Belly rubs to her from me and a sniff from Sophie. Love the name, BTW.
Comment by Bogart the Cardigan on November 19, 2014 at 5:26pm

Great happy ending for Betty Boop! Bogart sends his regards!

Comment by Abbey & Anne on November 19, 2014 at 4:23pm

What a heart warming story! What great people ya'll must be to give Betty Boop a home with compassion, love and security!  What a lucky day for you and her when your paths crossed! Blessings

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