Chester's been acting a bit strange the last week or so. I think his insulin needs adjusting.

This morning at 5am I got up to go to the bathroom and asked Chester if he needed to go out too. He acted very very strange. He wouldn't move away from the door and didn't react to my voice at all. He sniffed A LOT. He went into the guest room and sniffed himself into a corner. He didn't react to my voice at all and he kept running into things that were right in front of him! When I tried to get him to go outside he acted like he didn't even SEE the door.

Well, I'm sure you've all guessed by now what is happening. I think Chester is going blind. He wouldn't go out. and I had to coax him back to the bedroom by letting him sniff a treat in my hand. I brought him up onto my bed and he didn't know where he was. He just stayed right beside me. (He NEVER does that! He sleeps in the opposite side of the bed from me!) He wouldn't MOVE from my side. I kept talking to him and snuggling him trying to comfort him. It was as if he didn't know what was going on. The sweet boy kept kissing me and kissing me as if to say, "OH it's YOU Momma"

After an hour of this, it was time for me to get up. As I moved away from him he freaked out. I had the light on and he lurched forward and fell onto my night stand. I picked him up and put him on the floor and he was spread eagled and scooted across the floor and into a closet! He couldn't WALK! So now, I'm guessing he's gone blind AND lost the use of his legs. :o( (OH, and I suspected he'd lost his hearing too!)

I didn't panic. I got up and got him his breakfast and his dose of insulin. he ate lying spread eagle on the floor.

After he ate and had his insulin, I moved away from him and began to get ready to go to work (there's no WAY I can miss work to take him to the vet - I've only been at this new job for 3 months) I decided I would wake my son and tell him to take care of the dog today and that I would make an appointment for 5pm and he would meet me at the vet with Chester.

As I moved away from him, he got up, and followed me out to the living room and went right to the back door as if to say, "HEY! I need to go out now!"

JUST LIKE THAT?! About 5 minutes after eating and having his insulin.!!!!

Here's my guess at what happened: I got home late from work last night. My son said he had fed Chester and had given him his insulin. My guess is that he somehow didn't get the needle in the right place or not all the way in or whatever.

I'm very relieved at this, but I have told my son to keep an eye on the dog today. I still want to take him to the vet today to see if we need to adjust his insulin (maybe 3 times a day instead of just 2?)

Anyone else know anything about this?

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Comment by Erica on January 13, 2009 at 10:35am
oh boy, this is crazy. i dont think i would have been as calm. hope everything gets better for lil chester. good luck.
Comment by Matt & Hilliary on January 13, 2009 at 9:26am
Wow, that's scary. I'm glad it sounds like everything turned out ok.

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