So Juneaux is outside about 80% of the time, but we started to bring her in for the evening. We used to have her on Frontline, and when we first got her had even treated the yard with Adams Yard Spray. She was off of Frontline for maybe 2 months, and we noticed she was getting fleas, I'm guessing maybe because of the warm temps. down here, so I bought her K-9 Advantix, but she still has fleas!

I'm definitely not a fan of having fleas in the house, especially with a toddler and another due soon, but I don't know what else to put on her. We were even using Sentry Natural Defense for additional protection. I hate the thought of her having fleas:(

What's the best flea med. out there? Any suggestions of what we should/could be doing? We're getting our new puppy in a couple of weeks, or so, and don't want some kind of flea outbreak!!!

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Comment by Aj on February 20, 2009 at 11:17pm
I have had my Ein on Comfortis since January and haven't found a single flea since and I think it's working very well so far! Comfortis has to be taken with food and it says it starts killing fleas in 30 minutes. Luckily, he hasn't experienced any side effects, even though vomiting is stated to be one of the most common side effects of Comfortis.
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 20, 2009 at 10:34pm
It's a Rx pill, here's the info including possible side effects. You may also want to read here and here for other prevention.
Comment by Manda and Chloe on February 20, 2009 at 10:22pm
i had chloe on comfortis when i lived in florida. worked great, its a chewable pill given once a month.
Comment by Juneaux and Maximus on February 20, 2009 at 10:02pm
THANKS a million! I'll definitely ask about it! Is is topical, a shot, or something they eat? Just curious:)
Comment by Patti on February 20, 2009 at 9:44pm
we live in south florida and have tried everything - of which nothing worked, until we tried comfortis, a new drug, which is heaven sent! both dogs are on it and we have had no trouble at all since we started, about 6 months ago, the only side effect is the day they get it, they both are a little sleepy. other than that, we are very happy! talk to your vet about it.

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