Pooka's First Trip to the Beach: Photo Blog

I've been wanting so bad to get Pooka to the beach, and was hoping to do it before she turned 6 months so she would adjust to it easier. Turns out we got down there the day after her 6 month mark, and I had nothing to worry about. For you see, Pooka is a beach dog.

I am a beach girl, so I am very pleased. One of my favorite activities is digging holes in the sand at the beach, and ever since Pooka got into our horseshoe pits, I knew we'd make great partners:

I wanted to wait to get her in the water, just to take it easy (big waves, it was windy) but while I was changing in the van, with my husband in charge of the leash, I saw her just run into the waves on her own, jumping and bounding. It was quite funny and I'm glad I saw it. We came across quite a few dogs, and we tried going on a stroll without a leash, but she didn't act the same as she does at home, not really interested in playing (unless its bark playing) and she would run way off ahead of us and stop when we yelled, but very reluctant to come back, away from destroying kid's sand castles or stealing their frisbees.

We played fetch:

my dad caught some fish:

got a popsicle:

burried Pooka in the sand:

and chased seagulls:

Twas a good day!

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on April 8, 2009 at 2:42am
Yay Pooka! Is her swollen face all better now too? She sure looks good.
The one time I took Bruce to the beach and let him off leash, he took off at a gallop for Mexico. I was finally able to catch him about 1/2 mile down the beach. I guess its something about the sand and the sea air!
Comment by Aj on April 8, 2009 at 2:36am
Sounds like a fun day! Love the pictures...especially the second to last one with the birds!

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