My Domino is getting her winter coat so her under-layer, or whatever it is called, of fur is getting really thick. Due to this I have a lot of little grey and white hairs all over everything in my house! I brush her almost every other day and she still sheds like crazy! Any recommendations on what type of brush I should use to get more fuzz off of her at once and into the trash instead of on my clothes?

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Comment by Jennifer Markley on September 26, 2009 at 11:57pm
I fourth the Furminator!
Comment by Meredith and Paisley on September 26, 2009 at 11:34pm
I third the Furminator! Although, I would recommend using it outside. When they are really shedding it gets a lot of hair out and it tends to fly everywhere, so it easiest just to do it outside for less clean up.
Comment by Aj on September 26, 2009 at 11:31pm
I second the Furminator. It is THE best.
Comment by Beth on September 26, 2009 at 10:53pm
Yes, use a Furminator every two to three days. Use the real one, not the copy-cats.

And invest in a Swiffer and a good vacuum! LOL. Corgis are a shedding breed, and even with the most high-tech grooming tools, used diligently, you will still be vacuuming a lot.

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