I've waited my whole life to finally be in a place where I could afford a corgi, and have a home with a yard big enough I feel to accomodate one. I found an awesome breeder, and the pups are due in 2 weeks....I have first pick and I'm soooo excited. So whats the problem??? i don't have any kids, I'm 29 years old and found out last week, I'm gonna have a human baby too!!! I'm due in late November. My question is will I have enough time and energy to give to my puppy, or do you think I should wait till a later litter is available. Both are new ventures for me and I don't want either to be neglected because I took on too much. I'm a great multitasker, but just wanted everyones take on what I should do?

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Comment by Kristin & Archie on March 30, 2010 at 4:11pm
THANK EVERYONE SOOO MUCH!!! My fiancee and I have our own business(which is right across the street from our home) which does pretty well, so I don't think money will be an issue, at least I hope not! And with the setup we have I can have the pup with me 99% of the time, and the human kid too one he/she comes! I think I can handle both, once the time comes, I guess I'm just nervous. I don't want to let anyone down. Any more advice/ ideas would be greatly appreciated.By the way Mary Beth, I didn't even think about the christmas card!!!!! THANKS
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 30, 2010 at 4:07pm
I'm going to go against the general census here and say wait but this is ultimately your decision. You've never been pregnant before and so you have no idea how you'll be. There are days you have no energy, feel nauseous more so then with a'll want to sleep more and your moods could be of the devils and not yours. Not everyone is like that but you are going to be going through alot of hormonal changes and may not be able to attend to a rambunctious puppy. I was put on bed rest..had to give myself injections 3 times a day in the stomach and also had the gestational diabetes. I delivered 32 days early on my second child and 30 days early on my first so I was expecting to not go full term. Then once the baby is there you will be so consumed by your own creation that your young Corgi may become mischievous from lack of exercise and the winter months are upon you for your due date. I do believe you are going to need a support system if you intend on getting the dog..heck you kinda need it with just being a first time mom. Then your running into the months of illness' as well and you have a baby, puppy and you to deal with in yucky weather. Trust is not fun being sick w/ so many depending on you. What if you or the baby have complications as well. There is so much more to this and I am just trying to paint a big picture for you. Most pregnancies go just fine. Each person is different in what they can handle and so this has to be your decision. I don't mean to put a damper on the whole excitement of all of it but show all the possibilities of what could be.
Comment by Laura Jones on March 30, 2010 at 3:51pm
I say yes! As everyone else has said your pup will be pretty far along by the time baby comes and I think that as long as you remember to have furry kid and mom time after baby comes they will be fabulous siblings. Just remember to treat the corgi like you would if you had an older child when new baby comes home, make sure they know they are still important and you still love them. CONGRATULATIONS!
Comment by Mary Beth Lynn on March 30, 2010 at 3:40pm
Hi Kristin - Your first three or four months of pregnancy are very tiring - but if you are in good health and eat properly you will be fine. I think you should get the puppy - it will be a lot easier to have the puppy before the baby - you can establish a schedule with the puppy and like someone else said - have the joy of a puppy while you are waiting for your baby! What a cute Christmas Card you will have in 2010! congratulations - i wish I was 29 again - I had my first child at the same age.
Comment by Mary on March 30, 2010 at 3:26pm
I'm agreeing with everyone, since they puppy will be in in two weeks and you will have quite a bit of time before the baby is due. By the time your puppy is 8 months old you will have gotten into more of a "rhythm". The first few months are more challenging mentally, by the time my nibbler was 6 months old she was becoming more of a companion than a puppy. I only have one question for you to pose to yourself: do you have the financial flexibility to have a puppy and a baby? The initial vet visits, inoculations, and surgery if you plan to spay/neuter can get pretty pricey, as does prenatal care. Also, you want to have a little wiggle room in case the worst happens to your puppy, and babies can be expensive too! If you are able to afford it, then great! My congratulations to you on your two different, but still wonderful, new additions :)
Comment by Bev Levy on March 30, 2010 at 3:24pm
Congratulations! I am a grandma so not recently in your situation. However, my advice would be to really examine your commitment to a pup and your support system. Your puppy will be at a difficult age when your baby is born and someone will need to be willing to consistently train and pay attention to him/her. Also, corgis shed a lot so you will be doing a lot of cleaning in addition to taking care of a new baby. I had a golden retriever when my first was a baby. In spite of the heavy shedding everything went well. I was not working outside of the home at that time and was also able to take the pup to obedience classes. When I had my second child she was colicky and time for the dog became much more difficult. I guess all I am saying is it will not be easy so be sure you are willing! Sometimes it is better to wait on the puppy until your children are older but with a real strong desire, a support system and the time a puppy can be a wonderful part of the family. What ever you decide be sure to enjoy your new baby!
Comment by Kimberlie on March 30, 2010 at 2:46pm
I would go for it, one it will introduce you to the midnight wake up calls (potty brakes) for the first month, while you still have the energy to. Having a puppy will be exhausting but will keep you active. Which the exercise will be great for your health while pregnant, and good for the health of the baby. The training of your puppy will help increase you patience with your new baby as well. And it is will be good that your corgi pup will be introduced to young children while it is still young. It best to have them grow up together. Plus puppies grow up and train faster than babies, so by the time he or she is close to arrival or arrives you corgi pup will be independent. Which will be easier than training and house braking baby puppy while you have a young child. And you don't want to be waiting 10+ years when you child is more independent to get a cute adorable corgi do you? And while your on mat. leave you 3 can bond even closer than most of us get to bond with are pups. and a better bond between child and pup.
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on March 30, 2010 at 1:56pm
I'd get the puppy. It will make you feel good and will give you lots of positive experiences while you're pregnant. It will be almost 8 months by the time the baby is here and will be neutered and most likely housebroken.
If you wait you might end up waiting for a few more years because it'll be too hard to take care of a young child and a puppy.
You waited for so long, go for it! Corgi will bring lots of love and happines into your life.
Comment by Gina Mac/Fergie & Minnie on March 30, 2010 at 1:47pm
Our Minnie was only 11/2 when our first daughter was born. We brought Natalie home, Minnie licked her up one side and down the other and immediately welcomed her into the pack. She even sampled Nat's umbilical cord when it fell off - TMI I know.

I like the idea of introducing baby and puppy to each other while each is young. Your pup will know his/her place in the family and puppy stress will seem like a welcome distraction from your human baby. (You can't put a crying baby into a crate and hope she'll settle down - well you could, but social services might not approve:))

If your partner is on board, I say go for it! Corgi's make great nannies! Congrats on both!
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on March 30, 2010 at 1:38pm
I do have a suggestion for you.... copy and repost this in the discussion boards. You will probably get more responses since it will stay on the front page longer than the blog. And each time someone responds it moves back to the top of the list!

There are many knowledgeable and capable corgi owners here that I'm sure will have a variety of advice.

Good luck with what ever you decide!

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