A pretty scary article was posted on the Corgilove Live Journal Community.

Corgis are mentioned specifically.

"Toy breeds, puppies, and purebred dogs that look expensive or unusual are most vulnerable, says Peterson. Among the stolen breeds tracked by the AKC in 2008 are Yorkshire terriers, poodles, Pomeranians, shih tzu, bulldogs, corgis, a Norwich terrier and a mastiff."

The article mentions some ways to lower your pet's market value so that you can get your fur-kid back.

"Lofgren knew that her best chance for Heikki’s return lay in killing his market value immediately. Posters and flyers with his picture went out to shelters, veterinarians, pet stores, Bernese mountain dog message boards, and missing-pet Web sites such as dogdetective.com and K9 Amber Alert. The San Francisco Dogwalkers Association mobilized members’ eyes and ears throughout San Francisco. "

This article outlines some tips for keeping your fur-kids safe from theft.

Some of the tips are;

DON’T leave your dog tied up outside restaurants or stores.
DON’T allow your pet to be visible from the street.
DON’T leave any animal unattended in your car, even if it is “just for a minute.”
DO keep recent photos and written descriptions of your companion animals on hand at all times.
DO spay and neuter your companion animals. This reduces your animal’s desire to stray and reduces the risk of your companion animal being stolen for breeding purposes.

It's a scary world. Hold your babies tight. :(

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Comment by Lauren + Winston on October 4, 2008 at 11:00pm
If someone stole my dog I would quit my jobs and temporarily drop out of school till I found him. If someone would do it for their own kid, why not their dog? Winston is living at my boyfriends parents right now (my parents never really wanted a dog) so I have to warn them about it. They have a pyrenees mountain dog that they leave out a lot at night and they don't have any lights on in their back yard. He's an expesive dog too. He's six toed all white but he's neutered and if someone even got near him he'd bite their head off. Still, its a scary thought.
Comment by Sarah C. on October 3, 2008 at 3:59pm
How awful... I can't imagine, I would be absolutely beside myself. D:
Comment by Tenley on October 3, 2008 at 3:56pm
Yeah, when I was out of town my sister-in-law was watching my 11-year-old Yorkshire. She got out one day, but she always always always returns. She has a tag and we put up posters everywhere, but we're almost certain her pretty little head was stolen. I don't know how people can live with themselves not even trying to find the parent owner...
Comment by Sarah C. on October 2, 2008 at 6:04pm
I'm with you Laurie. If I get a bad feel off of someone, I clear out fastish and I'm not afraid to get a little nasty if I need to. Always go with your instincts. If something feels off, it probably is.
It's wierd, you're always conscious of when you wear something expensive or if you're holding something expensive (like a camera, or a flashy diamond wing); but I never thought that my dog might be sending signals to criminals. :/
Comment by Laurie on October 2, 2008 at 4:29pm
The big city that is closest to me has a serious problem with dogs being stolen for "bait" in training dogs for dog fights. My fur-kids love to go, but unless I have someone to stay with them in the car while I run errands, then they don't get to go. One time I had my corgis at the dog park and it was late enough that I was the only one there. As I was leaving I was approached by a man who wanted to know what kind of dogs I had and how much they cost. He said he wanted to get his girlfriend a dog. It really scared me because I thought he was going to steal my dogs from me. I lied and told him that they were not worth much and I couldn't remember what I paid for them. The guy was really scummy and creepy looking. I kept walking towards my car the whole time and when I reached the car, I grabbed my babies and shoved them in the car. I didn't even bother to put them in their car seats. I would have run the guy over if he wouldn't have got out of my way. I am not a mean person, but this guy really scared me.
Comment by Mochi The Corgi on October 2, 2008 at 2:43pm
That is totally scary. At the Doggie day care that Mochi goes too you have to show your ID and only put down 3 people that are allowed to pick up your dog. Kinda like a real daycare for kids. They said this prevents people coming and picking up other people's dogs! because that happens too!! They said that a lot of times the smaller dogs are stolen to use as "prey or training" for dogs that are illegally kept for dog fighting.... which is SUPER sad.

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