Jake has decided barking is a wonderful thing. Last night he barked at our next door neighbor. Today he barked at the wind and the leaves rustling around in the yard. He sounds so cute, his voice is not quite mature yet-it starts out a bit deep and then suddenly it cracks. I had heard he did not quite have a grownup Corgi bark yet.

I decided to phase out the rawhide chewies as they are not a good idea overall. I have quite a few as I got a a few bags of them early on, but as long as I watch him, it should be all right. I think those Bully Sticks sound like they are better. I need to investigate further.

Feeling inspired this am, I went to look at Tasha Tudor's web site. I really want to get her Corgiville book...and the Corgi cookie cutter. She had 13-14 Corgis at a time. Of course, she lived in Corgi Cottage, so that stands to reason. :)

Not much of a walking day today, very windy. The girl child will take him out a bit later on. I asked her to clean up the yard and they keep saying snow is coming on Friday.

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