Every couple days I drive the dogs down to the lake for a off-leashe walk. They love to be free running around in the fields chasing birds and each other. Today seemed extra perfect though walking through the late September sunshine with a soft breeze coming off the water. I actually stopped and did a 360 looking around me. The only thought going through my head was I wished I could stay here forever in this moment with my pack running happilly around me with great big doggie smiles.

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Comment by Bev Levy on September 27, 2009 at 2:47pm
We have been out in our woods every day since the weather cooled. I love it although we have to be leashed when we get to the trails since it is park land and is patrolled. The deer flies are gone here now which is great because they are awful in the summer. The dogs love it and it is so cute when the leaves change color and fall because Izzy blends in so well. If it wasn't for her white feet you would not be able to see her!
Comment by Jane Christensen on September 26, 2009 at 4:22pm
Oh it is that wonderful time of year!!!!! Except for the flies!!!!
Comment by Aj on September 26, 2009 at 3:46pm

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