I've owned my element since 04 and these little boxes are indisposible for hauling my corgi's in crates, grocery's,and large objects that I might have needed to borrow a truck for other wise. I'm very sad about this and a little freaked out what happen's when my poor little element can't go anymore or god forbid someone crashe's into me? I'll have to buy a minivan yuck =(
I just can't say enough wonderfull things about these ugly little bread box shaped cars except that…
ContinueAdded by christy fry on January 28, 2011 at 3:09pm — 2 Comments
Makenzie went to my sister's late last night. The first day I had Makenzie Jordan was in love he kept coming up to her with his ears back, head low, and stump going a million miles an hour. He'd lick her feet and make little wooki soounds of comfort to her =)
Of course he'd have to make sounds of comfort because Teagen was at a complete loss....she wouldn't come within 4 ft of me and kept barking and barking and barking.....which made…
ContinueAdded by christy fry on September 11, 2010 at 8:30am — 4 Comments
So today of all days poor Jordan had a horrible bout of diaherria all down the hallway and a little in the living room. Now this normally wouldn't bother me because lets face it we all have it from time to time. I mean it's just lucky my carpet and bissel don't get a work out when I have it Ha-Ha.... But today my precious 6 month old cousins daughter is coming to stay for a few days. His wife is a little protective so this is a big thing I've been cleaning like crazy to ensure everything…
ContinueAdded by christy fry on September 9, 2010 at 6:30am — 7 Comments
Added by christy fry on September 6, 2010 at 10:30am — 13 Comments
Hi everybody,
I'll confess that I have a old lady habit of cross-stitching...He-He...I don't know why or how exactly I picked this up but have never been able to find a pattern for a corgi. If you know of one I'd really like to get it...These are some examples of what I've done. I did 2 baby one's because of my sister's new arrival soon and didn't read the directions quite right on the first one so had to re-order and start again ooops...…
Added by christy fry on September 3, 2010 at 11:51am — 3 Comments
Added by christy fry on August 14, 2010 at 9:26am — 12 Comments
Added by christy fry on July 28, 2010 at 2:19pm — 6 Comments
So today I accidently got Teagen in the eye oops =( but that got me thinking about the little corgi named Brian with the eye that was so swollen and bleeding....does anyone know what the outcome was with that little guy? Did he get to keep his eye? or did they remove it?
Thanks a bunch
Added by christy fry on July 25, 2010 at 5:52pm — 4 Comments
Earlier today I responded to a blog post with the best intentions(I feel I made Ms. Porter feel worse) and when I read her reponse...well I felt like doo-doo because that's not what I wanted to do. This really is the only site I come and interact with other's in a forum type situation(my work doesn't reguire any computer use either) and I find at time's that typing can be tricky because seeing what I type later in black and white words seems so different than how I felt when I typed it. I'm…
ContinueAdded by christy fry on July 16, 2010 at 3:47pm — 10 Comments
Added by christy fry on July 9, 2010 at 6:35pm — 3 Comments
My kitty Cole is 10 almost 11 yrs old now and he has a balding spot by his tail stretching about mid way up his back . I can not find any fleas(although I gooped him up with his stuff) his appetite is normal his water intake is normal and ditto for his activness. The skin is normal no redness,scabiness,or other indications that it's infected. I don't see him scratching or licking the area either. Doe's anyone have any ideas as what might be going on? His vet reccomended stopping his vaccines…
ContinueAdded by christy fry on June 4, 2010 at 1:01pm — 3 Comments
Added by christy fry on April 17, 2010 at 11:56pm — 4 Comments
Added by christy fry on April 8, 2010 at 1:47pm — 4 Comments
Hi everybody I just wanted to share what happened yesterday so maybe it can be avoided in your household with your baby's.
Yesterday Jordan and Teagen were wrestling when Jordan's jaw got wrapped around in Teagen's collar it was very scary both dogs were whining and panicking trying to get apart it took both Greg and I holding them still to locate the quick release and seperate them. I'm am so thankfull that we were home when it happened or Jordan might have broken his jaw getting…
ContinueAdded by christy fry on April 6, 2010 at 11:38am — 12 Comments
Added by christy fry on March 18, 2010 at 11:37am — 7 Comments
Added by christy fry on March 1, 2010 at 10:03pm — 19 Comments
Added by christy fry on February 28, 2010 at 1:23pm — 2 Comments
Mom's at work today so J and I have taken notes and watched real hard to find out how she gets to this site share stuff.. We're very smart and all being corgi's of course. Thats why she calls us brats and we did attempt to figure out what that meant by getting Mom's book of words out but you know there was a noise and then J and I got distracted by the time we went back we'd both agreed we must have meant to eat the book of words so we did, because corgi = brat and that must be a very good…
ContinueAdded by christy fry on February 24, 2010 at 2:08pm — 4 Comments
Added by christy fry on February 18, 2010 at 4:29pm — 2 Comments
Added by christy fry on February 10, 2010 at 2:55pm — 8 Comments
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