Jordan as of Dec. 4th will be attending daycare solo on Fridays!!! He's always gone on Mondays with my sister's Golden and they were always together while there (Apollo was his security blanket) but do to schedule conflicts he'll be going on his own now. I'm a little nervous as Jordan's my "reactive rover" but the girls think he'll be fine as a matter of fact they said it'd be better for them both not to always be a pack of 2!! Dec. 4th is a long way off though and I'm sure I'll spend the time spining story's in my head about how it'll go getting more nervous by the minute LOL.......

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Comment by Jane Christensen on November 16, 2009 at 9:24pm
Oh that's so easy to do but I think it's harder on us then on them! Since he's already used to it there it will be so much easier than going someplace new! I bet he'll do just fine!

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