It seems that I'm unable to stop buying my doggies christmas presents so far I've bought them wellness crystals 2 apeice 1 for positive energy inside their body's and 1 for positive energy outside....then there are the chicken wrapped jerky strips.....the 1st set of collars, all 3 will match now!!! But Ruff Wear sells such wonderfull products I had to buy them a second set of collars, their own colors this time.....I'm afraid to add it all up because I've got a sneaky suspision that I've spent more on them than any of my humans....Plus I'm thinking of buying a small bag of Rabbit from Natures Variety because they love love love it and don't get it often for christmas day also......oh my

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Comment by Monty'sMom on December 12, 2009 at 6:02pm
That's nothing. I was listening to a local radio show one morning this past week and they asked people to call in who were spending more than $100 on their pets. Most of the callers were spending upwards of $300 to start and one woman was spending $400 on a spa package for her lab-seriously. I end up in trouble because it is Monty's birthday on the 21st so I have to buy double presents but I have been good and not given him his presents early and stopped buying!! Otherwise there won't be money for his food:-)
Comment by Jane Christensen on December 12, 2009 at 4:10pm
My guess would be that there's a lot of people who do this including me! I just bought another toy the other day! I buy all year long so then at Christmas it doesn't look so bad $$$$ wise!

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