Mom's at work today so J and I have taken notes and watched real hard to find out how she gets to this site share stuff.. We're very smart and all being corgi's of course. Thats why she calls us brats and we did attempt to figure out what that meant by getting Mom's book of words out but you know there was a noise and then J and I got distracted by the time we went back we'd both agreed we must have meant to eat the book of words so we did, because corgi = brat and that must be a very good corgi word. So back to J and I we like grass and bugs and treats and anybody willing to play. We don't like the vet. What J ? Mom's here darn......


Teagen and Jordan

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 25, 2010 at 3:23am
Loved it! Sidney thought it was very funny and says you gave him some excellent ideas.
Comment by Julia on February 24, 2010 at 11:07pm
Mom sucks? Mom SUCKS?? How dare you speak of your mom that way! My mom may not be perfect yet, but I'll get her there. Because she's my MOM! She may stand in the wrong place, or not feed me quickly enough, or pet the other dog, but I know she'll learn. I would NEVER be so disrespectful as to say she sucks!

That doesn't mean I haven't eaten each of the various components of her computer, and wouldn't be glad to eat her "book of words" if I could reach it. And we all know that any unguarded food is fair game. But I love her, and would never call her names.

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 24, 2010 at 7:54pm
Love it! They do tend to find things to occupy their time...or to get back at us for leaving them alone!
Comment by Sky and Lyla on February 24, 2010 at 3:38pm
Teagen and Jordan, you are naughty little Corgis! I bet Lyla would love to join you in eating your mom's book of words!

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