If I only wouldn't eat worms, I could give Mom kisses again

It seems Teagen has decided that she needs a Teagen only disgusting habit and that is to eat worms. Lately she has decided to eat them even though they must not taste to good because she picks them up chews a little, drops it with a quizical look on her face and picks it up again and steadfastidly chews it till it's gone. It's really kinda funny because it seems like she determined to eat them. I'm not sure if it's unheathly for her to eat them or not but she definitly doesn't get to give me kisses anymore which really perturbs her when I say no and push her away, she tries even harder to give me kisses and then gets mad and starts brat barking at me. But Mom just isn't interested in worm spit on her.

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Comment by Paddy and Karley the Corgies on February 18, 2010 at 5:30pm
Paddy LOVES dried worms too. He will look at "wet" worms but curls his nose up at them. He seeks out, what we call, "worm jerky" off the side walks during every walk... I am so glad to hear other corgis have this same habbit. What's wrong with a little worm kiss...go ahead, let them kiss you!
Comment by Bev Levy on February 18, 2010 at 5:02pm
Izzy loves dried worms. That is one nice thing about winter, I am not having to drag her away from the worms on the sidewalk! Our biggest problem is the bunny and deer poop in our back yard. Apparently it is quite tasty! If I worried about what has been in their mouths there would never be any kisses. Come to think of it, I really do not encourage kisses!

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