Hi everybody I just wanted to share what happened yesterday so maybe it can be avoided in your household with your baby's.

Yesterday Jordan and Teagen were wrestling when Jordan's jaw got wrapped around in Teagen's collar it was very scary both dogs were whining and panicking trying to get apart it took both Greg and I holding them still to locate the quick release and seperate them. I'm am so thankfull that we were home when it happened or Jordan might have broken his jaw getting free. He seems fine a small cut to the inside of his lip and he ate a little gingerly last night. We are no longer going to keep collars on them in the house.

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Comment by Beth on April 7, 2010 at 7:06am
I just wanted to add that when my two wrestle, they frequently go for each other's necks, so it would be pretty easy for someone to get caught up with all the twisting and spinning they do.
Comment by Jane Christensen on April 6, 2010 at 9:36pm
How scary! I do keep collars on in the house as 6 collars would be too much to put on each time but they are break away(I see that didn't help you) but my dogs are separated when we are gone so I hope this will never be a problem. In the country and even if my dogs stay in the yard I am afraid if they did get out and run I would really have a problem! Glad all turned out ok!
Comment by Steve on April 6, 2010 at 9:11pm
I'm glad your corgis are OK. How scarey! My friend had her 2 dogs in the back yard with collars & one of them likes to jump a picket fence to get to the other side of the yard. When she came home there was an awful crying noise & when she went back, to her horror, the dogs collar got caught on the top of the fence and was yelping for help. Luckily the dog is ok and now they don't put collars on the dogs unless they go for a walk outside their property. Scarey
Comment by Stephanie on April 6, 2010 at 7:57pm
I do the same as Joanna - no collars inside. Collars are clipped to the leashes and when it's time to go out I just put the collars on with the leash already attached. The few times I've forgotten I've looked down and seen them wrestling and one will have a hold on the other's collar. VERY SCARY - so glad everything worked out okay at your place.
Comment by Rachael & Waffle on April 6, 2010 at 4:44pm
I just emailed my breeder about getting a collar for Waffle. I read the FAQ about collars and found this website, and this collar greatly appealed to me: http://cozycritter.com/safetywalking.htm My animals in the past have had awful experiences with collars, and this seemed like a good way to have his tags on him at most times and also be able to walk him without trouble. I hope Jordan's mouth feels better! It's very good that you were home to help them out.
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on April 6, 2010 at 2:02pm
If your dogs stay indoors at all times when alone (no doggie door) then collars are not really needed.
Otherwise you can get breakaway collars, they snap when pulled. Of course you can't put a leash on it, it's just for having tags on.
Comment by Alice on April 6, 2010 at 1:36pm
We leave Finnigan's leash attached to his collar and when we are leaving we put them on, otherwise he does not wear his collar. I've had Finn get his jaw stuck on his own collar while out on a walk. Somehow the metal ring on the collar got looped over his lower teeth with his mouth wide open.
Comment by Kari & Quin on April 6, 2010 at 12:23pm
Besides collars mess up there pretty neck fur Ha ha! I like my slip lead also a little bit harder to find but worth it.
Comment by Joanna Kimball on April 6, 2010 at 12:14pm
Thank you for this - I've had a very similar thing happen, years ago, and there are NO COLLARS allowed on the dogs either inside or outside. We either use a slip lead or we leave collars (leashes attached) by the door to put on when we're heading out.
Comment by Sky and Lyla on April 6, 2010 at 12:13pm
I never leave collars on mine in the house either. Outside, I won't even use the quick-release buckle collars because I've heard of situations where they were tight enough that they couldn't release. Or even if you weren't there to see there was a situation. Not to be scary, but in most of the scenarios, it's not the dog with the stuck jaw that gets hurt, it's the other one that can be strangled to death. I keep collars off whenever possible, but in off leash situation where they need a collar I use a breakaway safety collar (like the one by Premier). These will break away whether I'm there or not so I feel better about having a collar on them. I'm glad your babies are okay!!

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