So my poor little corgi boy had to be shaved in, completely shaved! I feel so bad for's basically just adding insult to injury. As anyone who's read my other blog posts knows, Daxter has been struggling greatly with his skin allergies for the last 3 months or so...this is the worst allergic reaction I've ever seen on him. He even got so bad, that he got skin infections. I tried everything from putting socks on his feet to switching his food, to giving him prednisone....nothing seemed to help. We had started out just shaving his worst itch areas so that I could apply topical medication, but now he's got scabs and sores and bruises all over his body from his insessant scratching. beautiful fur, hello shaved pink blob. His coat was actually pretty healthy, it's his skin that is unhealthy.....i have to bathe him every couple days and apply medicated rinse all over his poor boy...he knows he looks ridiculous...and the worst part is, i don't really want to take him to work with me until his hair grows back...i work at a doggie daycare, and he likes to greet customers at the front door of the lobby, but I don't really want to explain over and over again to my clients why my dog, who should never, ever be shaved, now looks like a little pink piggy......I guess the good thing about the whole situatuion is that I can now see very clearly where his worst areas are, and I can take care of his skin before it becomes inflamed and infected....i just wish my vet could've come up with another solution....yes i've got him on high quality foods (Acana Pacifica and Primal Raw), and on several herbal and omega supplements (this dog eats better than I do), but nothing seems to make a difference (however, i can't even imagine what he would look/feel like if i had him on a grocery store brand!!!). I think all i can do right now is keep up with the topical medications, and make sure his skin stays clean and try to keep him from scratching.....i can't wait until his hair grows back, hopefully he won't look too patchy.....poor little guy....The pic I attatched is when we had just his worst itchy spots shaved, you can see how red his chest is and the skin on his sides have turned a dark gray and gotten hard from continuous scratching.....he is now completely shaved....

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