We've had our Pembroke, Brock, for about a year now. My husband loved corgis and we saw him at a local pet store while buying food for our rabbit. He was cute but we weren't thinking about getting a dog at the time so we didn't think too much of it. A month passed by and we found ourself at the same petstore. The Pembroke puppy was still there. It broke my heart that he had been locked in a tiny crate for at least a month. (probably longer considering he was 4 months old) Then I made the big mistake of asking if I could hold him. He was so happy to get out of the crate, and that pretty much sealed the deal. So we took him home with us. Although I've always been the person to get shelter animals, I still felt like we were in some ways rescuing the poor little guy. Turns out he needed us more than we thought. We quickly noticed some odd personality traits. Brock was petrified of my husband's wallet chain, growling everytime he saw it, and we only ever used nylon collars and leashes. So the wallet chain got pitched, but the fear of seemingly mundane objects continued. He was extremely possesive of his food, biting if you came too close. In fact, he would bite you for just about anything. The store where we got him has a long term no questions asked return policy, but that was out of the question. I worked in a law office for two years, and I know what happens to aggressive dogs. So we turned to a local trainer, who upon evaluating Brock said that he was a scaredy cat, but an aggressive one. That at some point before we got him someone had abused the poor little guy, and that his defense mechanism was "I'll get you before you get me". Once we understood his past it made what seemed like "odd behaviors" make sense. So now our job was to make Brock realize that he was the baby and that we were his loving parents. He could relax, and not have to be on his guard constantly. It's been a bumpy ride, no doubt, but he's been worth it. I'm glad that we stumbled across him again because I have no doubt that if a less patient and less loving family would have got him, he would have been sent to the animal shelter, or worse. Today Brock is over a year old, he's made friends with the neighborhood dogs, he even allows small children to pet and poke at him. I'm really proud that he's beginning to become a little gentleman.

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Comment by Amanda Beitzel on July 14, 2009 at 1:36pm
My last job was actually working in a law office, and because of that I shy away from any sort of legal action. I just know how complicated it gets. Also, the petstore had a policy to take them back no questions asked. So I have a feeling it would've turned into "well if you're not happy we'll just take the dog back". Which of course is the last thing i'd want to do.
Comment by John Wolff on July 14, 2009 at 12:46pm
Have you ever considered action against the pet store? You might try to recover some of the expenses for Brock's therapy and rehab. You can at least ask/demand. It might be quite unpleasant -- I HATE confrontations -- but one thing you can do is arrange a lengthy interview with the pet store owner and acquaint them with the consequences of their actions. You can publicize Brock's experience. The point of all this would be to make trouble for the pet store owner. That's not at all mean-spirited or vengeful. That's just feedback. Maybe they'll think twice next time. Or once.
Brock must think he's died and gone to puppy heaven.
Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on July 14, 2009 at 10:36am
Brock is so lucky to have you stumble upon him. I really can't stand petstores that sell large animals! I have never allowed my children to even go into one. As for the aggression, Twinkie has never seen a hard day in her life and we deal with some of the same things. She spends a lot of time with her food taken away because of her bad mealtime manners.
Comment by Bev Levy on July 14, 2009 at 8:10am
Good for you! So glad Brock's story is a happy one. Continue with the training help and you will continue to reap the rewards!
Comment by Beth on July 14, 2009 at 7:13am
I am glad Brock worked out for you, and that you have made such an effort to socialize him and make sure he's healthy and happy.
Comment by Jenn on July 14, 2009 at 7:13am
That's awesome that you were able to help him through whatever his awful past had taught him. I'm happy that you took the time to rehabilitate him, not many people would have. Yea! I love happy endings.
Comment by Chloe's parent Liz on July 14, 2009 at 1:36am
wow what a story! Brock is blessed that you put the effort into his developement!
Comment by David on July 14, 2009 at 12:23am
Bravo to you for doing the right thing. Brock is one lucky puppy to have found you guys. May he brings you years of companionship and happiness.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on July 14, 2009 at 12:18am
So glad to hear this story has a happy ending! He's so lucky you stepped into his life.
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on July 14, 2009 at 12:00am
Brock is really lucky to have you as parents. Keep up the good work.

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