Everyone is so helpful with these new puppy adventures! Thank you! Now I have a question about accidents that Freyja has only when I visit a specific friend. My friend has 2 dogs on a part time basis & Freyja will poop on my friends floor no matter how many times I take her outside. It's happened regardless of whether my friends dogs were there or not. It's never pee, always poop. The house has all new carpet & is newly renovated. Is this a dominance thing?

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Comment by Megan Stanke on January 19, 2013 at 3:23pm
Thank you for your responses! She is still a puppy, she's only 5 months so I need to cut her some slack. That's interesting about not understanding the den environment.
Comment by Jane on January 19, 2013 at 11:59am
It's a new environment - she may be house trained at your home, but she hasn't been taught anything about this new one. It smells different, maybe the texture is different, etc. Plus she's a puppy still right? Many dogs are not fully potty trained until they're close to a year old. Nothing to do with dominance.
Comment by Priss, Charlie & Kaylee (PK) on January 19, 2013 at 11:09am

It'd say it's normal for a young dog. Kaylee had a peeing accident at a friend's house at 11 months. It was my fault for not monitoring her water intake, but she matter-of-fact squatted and did her business without a whine. I agree with Bev that your issue is a den recognition thing. I'd act as if she isn't house trained in new environments, especially where there are other dogs that might have "marked" a spot.

Comment by Bev Levy on January 19, 2013 at 10:02am

It is possible that she doesn't recognize that this is a "den" that must be kept clean. It takes awhile for pups to understand that we (humans) expect all of indoors to be free of poops! Also, she may smell the other dogs and it triggers something or she may be confused as to how to tell you she has to go in a strange place. Try walking her before going to your friends and keep her leashed to you there so you can say no and take her outside if she squats.

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