This is not a corgi story but it has a little bit of corgi part :-)


This morning I took my corgis out. Usually my husband walks the dogs in the morning but today is his birthday so I  gave him some more time to sleep. And I met Alice the pug.


I saw her on the way to throw out the poop bag. She sat on the grass near our neighbor’s house. She was off leash and there was no sign of the owner. Jeter and Cappy were curious about her but I wasn’t sure what to do. She looked dirty but I could see that dog was someone’s lost pet not a stray. She seemed to be happy to see us and followed us. I never had this kind of experience, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t bring my cell phone and it was impossible to check her ID tag with my two corgis. So I went back home and she followed. My plan was to get my corgis in the house, grab the phone and a leash and go out again to find the dog. When I went into the house Alice was sitting outside of my door.. But when I looked out again, she was gone. I felt terrible. What if something bad happened to that dog?


I talked about that dog to my husband and we went out together. I found her again not that far away. We tried to catch her using some treats but she would only take the treat and run, this happened several times!! I was able to get near her, but it took some time to get her leashed. Her collar had 3 tags. One is the rabies tag for this year and other two are name tags with phone numbers. We tried the first number and it was disconnected.  Uh-oh. The second number, we got voice mail and left a message. There was one more number and we were finally able to reach the owner.  The third time’s the charm :-) My husband told the excited dog owner where we are. And about 10 minutes later, Alice was reunited with her anxious but happy owner :-)


The owner – we forgot to ask his name – was running out of the car calling his dog’s name. He hugged me and thank us so many times. Alice was lost since last night. Alice’s dog walker took her out and somehow she got off leash and ended up here. The owner lives in the near suburb. I don’t know how this little girl came to Chicago.  But after a long cold night she smelled bad. I think she took a roll in something stinky!  When I check her tags, my fingers got covered with some smelly stuff. She will get a good bath and much needed medicine, too. I was so happy we were able to help this little dog. Her owner wanted to reward us and offered money. But we didn’t want to take. It was the right thing to do as a dog owner. But he insisted on giving us something. After several times we said “no thank you” to him, he said “Then I will donate money to the charity of your choice in your name.” That sounded okay so we said yes. We said “Lakeshore Corgi Rescue”, he surprised us by saying “I’ll donate 1,000 dollars.”


He hugged me and shook hands with my husband and left. Alice was happy in her owner’s car. I felt great. We actually helped a lost dog!!  Hopefully, Lakeshore Corgi Rescue will get a nice donation to help out a few more corgis. Hopefully, Alice will not get lost in “Wonderland” again.


Alice in her owner's car


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Comment by Emily & Scout on November 23, 2011 at 2:14pm

I have actually 2 similar stories.  When I was in elementary school, a basset hound wandered into our yard.  My parents posted in the paper, as she didn't have tags or anything.  She was a really nice dog, wanted to be on everyone's lap.  The owner finally called a couple days later.  She had somehow wandered 9 or 10 miles from home, and she left a litter of puppies (I think a couple had been given away, and she went to try to find them). 

The 2nd time, it was another bassett hound!  Saw her wondering along the side of a busy road and picked her up so she wouldn't get hit.  She spent the whole weekend with me traveling to a friend's house, before the owner got ahold of me.  And she was yet another dog who had gotten a couple miles away from home.

Comment by Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna on November 21, 2011 at 10:24pm

Hooray for happy endings! Hooray for animal loving heroes!  Much love to Alice, Jeter, Cappy and the fine people they own!

Comment by Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie on November 20, 2011 at 9:06am

What  a lovely story and happy ending, that man seemed so relieved, and very grateful to you obviously!! Your awesome for doing what you did...

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on November 20, 2011 at 1:43am

Yay! Such a happy ending! She looks just like my old pug, Piggy ♥ Sooooo cute

Comment by Teresa Gilpin on November 19, 2011 at 9:02pm

It's a good thing Alice found the two of you who were willing to go out of your way to find her family!  You deserve a great big "Thank You"!!!!

Comment by Sandy Stickney on November 19, 2011 at 4:47pm

I love happy endings!!

Comment by Bev Levy on November 19, 2011 at 1:36pm

That is wonderful! I know how desperate I would be if I lost one of mine and Alice is a very lucky girl that you found her and were willing to persist until she was safe.

Comment by Ace and Jen on November 19, 2011 at 1:23pm

Oh~ I love stories like this >w3

Reminds me when i was like 14 we had a simular incident.. except it was a mangy elderly dog who was blind.. he wasnt the best looking dog to gaze at but it was because he was an old man with a medical condition.. we didnt get a hold of the owner since there were no tags or i probably would have walked him home.. so a Cop took him to the humaine society we found out the owner was so relieved to find his old man at the humaine society and didnt care he had to pay a fine to get him out.. he was relieved the old guy was alive and not lost forever.. turn outs someone opened the door and he took the chance to 'escape' lol he was a friendly old guy i was happy he got runited~

something also simular happened to me.. last summer.. my elderly dog Buffy walked off the yard without me noticing (i think i was on the phone with someone) I put ace in the house because i didnt want to lose another dog.. I called and called and finally someone about 4 blocks down heard me calling and was like "shes down here!" lol running on gravel barefoot HURTS but i didnt care >^< lol our local elcectric company guy was standing there offering her water and cooling her down it was SUMMER and a really hot day and buffy hadnt gotten the chance to get shaved yet.. and oh my god i was so relieved to see that lil old lady dog standing there confused.. see she knows my mom has therapy and has walked down there several times and mom had been gone for about a week and a half to oklahoma to visit a friend and Buffy is moms dog so she went to go find her LOL I cant believe she got THAT far without me noticing silly ol girl XP

its people like this that makes me a little more at ease.. but i always worry aabout them wandering off since our yard isnt fenced in but its huge and both dogs know the yard boundaries.. but still x.x;

:) I just wanna say thank you XD; *sorry about my rambling.. it happens sometimes x.x* 

Comment by Donna and Lilly on November 19, 2011 at 12:30pm

Great Job!!!!!   You guys get major kudos for that!!!!  That is so cool!!

Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 19, 2011 at 12:27pm

good job, and what wonderful news for Lakeshore corgi rescue!

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