I had no idea it had been so long since I had been on MyCorgi! I have been kept so busy with gardening and...yes...the two little guys. They are such a delight and are growing so quickly. They were seven months old last week. They have been really good. We have been house-trained for some time now...no accidents or slip-ups. We are, however, still learning not to chew rugs! :-)

I just can't believe how quickly they are growing. They love to play, and their favorite game is "fetch." They still grab the toy and bring it back in-tandem. That is such a hoot. I think they will always do that. We have developed nicknames, of course, like we did with Morgan. I still catch myself calling Huey "Stinky Wink" every once in a while. He looks a lot like him. But Huey's nickname is Hudey Boots, and Taffy's nickname is Taffy Toots. I call them the Oots Brothers. Sunday afternoons are lazy time in our household. If I ever wonder where everyone is about 3 p.m., I'm pretty sure where I'll find them...asleep in the family room. Taffy Toots in usually on the couch with mommy and Hudey Boots closeby on the floor.

Yes, that's mommy's leg supporting Taffy Toots! I don't think I would ever again have just one Corgi. They're such fun in herds! At least two seems like a herd most of the time!  LOL

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Comment by Jennifer Markley on October 15, 2012 at 6:02pm

So glad to hear that all is well!!  Keep the pictures and stories coming!

Comment by Alison Prasavath on October 15, 2012 at 3:09pm

The boys are adorable! I'm glad they are keeping you very well entertained.

Comment by Bev Levy on October 15, 2012 at 7:55am

They are looking really good! I agree two corgis are so much fun and I miss my Sparty every day but Izzy carries on and Misty (our non corgis) does her best. I am so happy for you that your "Oots Brothers" are filling your life with joy.

Comment by Tomahawk and Fences on October 15, 2012 at 1:24am

I thought having one corgi was a hoot, but having two makes it twice as fun! I find that I try to persuade myself that having THREE would be even better, but maybe that's going a little too overboard right now lol.

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