The weather has been AWFUL here in PA.   Wettest September ever, and we often have wet Septembers so that's saying a lot.   The leaves are turning and they'll be down before you know it.  So we squeezed in a walk in the deepening dusk on Jack's favorite trail today.  The Corgis are very lucky to live somewhere where they can walk in woods and fields every day.  Of course they just think it's normal.


These shots are all in the park right outside our door.  The fading light made for some missed shots and some others are a bit blurry, but look ok enough at smaller sizes.  


Days like this I thank my lucky stars for whatever combination of luck and hard work found us this spot. 


Autumn trail


Some rocky outcrops:



Corgis coming and going:


Jack looks like a puppy in this picture.  He's actually 4 years old.


One thing I've always done is carry treats on the trail and call my dogs back often to get some snacks.  It tends to keep them close.  Maddie especially would otherwise be in the next county, trying to wait out a chipmunk that went to ground.   Jack responds reliably to "Come!" but Maddie responds more consistently to "Cookies!!"


Like this:


Or this:

Lovely walk, lovely day, but winter's right around the corner....


Views: 95


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Comment by Sam Tsang on October 18, 2011 at 10:39pm
awesome pics!!!
Comment by Sandy Stickney on October 18, 2011 at 9:12pm
Beautiful pictures!
Comment by Teresa Gilpin on October 18, 2011 at 8:16pm
I really loved your pictures!  Your corgis are beautiful and it looks like you all had a great time in the great outdoors!

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