Ahhh, the first snowfall of....er.... OCTOBER?????

I love a holiday storm.  Nothing like seeing a nice fluffy blanket of white to really show off people's Christmas... um, Halloween decorations.  'Tis the season, when everyone loves snow to put them in the mood for caroling...I mean, Trick or Treating.  The clean white ground really shows off the green and red wreaths on the door.  Make that the orange jack-o'-lanterns on the stoop.  

The record snowfall here for the month of October was around 4 inches.  In my lifetime I don't think I remember measurable snow (maybe a light ground covering).  Today we have 7.5 inches on the ground and it's still falling fast.  The leaves are still on the trees and I've gone out to knock snow off branches a couple times already; some trees are breaking or falling with the weight of it.   The dogs, on the other hand, are thrilled.  We had to be careful not to walk under big trees (for fear of being killed by a falling branch), but luckily there's a nice snowy field for them to play in.



Happy Halloween everyone!

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Comment by Jane Christensen on October 30, 2011 at 11:47pm

Hi Beth,

It's been 20 years ago this Halloween that we had a huge snowstorm...I remember my children out building snowmen instead of trick or treating. We don't usually have any but a few flakes before halloween. We have had 2 horrible winters so I hope we get a nice one this year although we really need moisture...I'll hope for rain!

Comment by Peggy Woods on October 30, 2011 at 3:45pm

we got a foot of snow last week & my corgi couldn't be happier! he loves racing around following the fox tracks or sticking his face in up to his ears to whuff up some great smell. We played "chase" at the park for ages. when he first got there I could only see his ear tips bouncing around. At home in his "yard" he likes to toss his things around & dig them back up. Oh and icicles are fun to eat too!!

This winter I'll be sure & get footage of us corgi-joring...

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on October 30, 2011 at 3:28pm
Well lucky! We don't really get snow here ever and when we do, the ground is wet from all the Oregon rain and doesn't stick.. Or it does stick but it's such a light layer that it's more so frost than anything else.
Comment by Potus on October 29, 2011 at 7:22pm
We had a hail storm here a couple of weeks ago which made our Australian spring look like winter. It was Potus's first taste of snow like conditions.
Comment by Laura Rochette on October 29, 2011 at 6:25pm
I imagined Lucy's first snow to be closer to Christmas! She loved it of course when she discovered she could eat it and lick it! I heard somewhere today, the last time it snowed in October in a significant way here in NH was 1979.

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