OK so here's the newest course of fun.

Milo has been doing well on sleeping in his crate each night. He rarely even cries. He climbs in, we cover it with a blanket, he sleeps. Like clockwork, he starts crying to be let out around 6:30, which is good for our schedule so that's been fine. Such has been the way of things for the last two weeks straight, really without fail. But here I am now, writing this post, unable to get Milo to stop crying (it's currently 2AM). I put him in his crate around 12, and he started crying almost immediately. Planning to just ignore him, since usually puppies only cry for ten to twenty minutes before giving in to sleep, I went up to bed. Here I am, after two straight hours of crying and full volume barking, with him out of his crate, in my arms, on the couch with me, trying anything to get him to calm down and he won't. He doesn't seem hurt or sick as far as I can see, I mean he was just at the vet today, seems like horribly bad luck to get sick the same day.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Milo's 3 months old now, and like I said usually behaves very well around bedtime. This is really a first for this length and intensity of crying.

Thanks everyone, hope you all are sleeping better than myself.

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Comment by Luke & Jess on March 22, 2009 at 11:05pm
Hey, he has been doing a bit better. We have been trying to exhaust him more so he's sleeping some anyways. The only issue that we really have with letting him cry and cry and bark and bark until he settles down is that we live in an apartment building, and have neighbors on either side and below us. When he cries for two-three hours straight into the night, our neighbors are not so pleased to say the least. At some point we have to take him out before we get evicted. He does fine in his crate during the day while we are at school, it's just when it's bed time that he cries for hours on end. Neither of us have raised a dog in the city before, and we are quickly encountering many new challenges as a result of city life.
Comment by Amanda & Tuck on March 20, 2009 at 12:41pm
Did you get some sleep last night? Hopefully it was a one night ordeal for you.

We got Tucker 2 weeks ago and he whines if he is gated in the kitchen and we go in the other room - we live in a 100+ yr old row home and I am sure my neighbors can hear every peep out of him. He is fine gated in the kitchen during the day and fine in the crate at night - but gated in the kitchen at night doesn't work for him. He does whine every morning at about 6:45 -7 because that is when we usually get up for our walk. I don't come downstairs to take him out until he is quiet though. We are not far from you - in Phoenixville - about 30 minutes from Center City.
Comment by Jennifer on March 19, 2009 at 10:07am
Harry will do this every once in a while and I am up at 3 or 4 am. He will usually do it one or two nights in a row every couple months. I have to get up to stop the barking since i don't want my neightbors complaining. He gets over it quick and then it stops for like 2 months until he decides he wants to ruin my sleep again for a few nights :)
Comment by Nicola Porter on March 19, 2009 at 7:43am
Just like crying toddlers that won't go to sleep, assure yourself that they are not hurting or in trouble then ignore them. They are smart.

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