Luke & Jess's Blog (8)

Harness Struggles

Recently we have begun training Milo to walk on a harness rather than his collar. He hates the harness and it really freaks him out. We tried to get him used to it a few months ago as well, but it has not been going well. Last time we've tried leaving it on him so that he can get used to it, but he will not move an inch and just lays on the floor looking miserable. Milo loves to go outside so we've been trying to associate it with going out, but still he hates it and freaks out when it's on… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on June 9, 2010 at 10:21pm — 3 Comments

Can't always keep his food down

Hey everyone. Milo's been doing great lately, as we're proud to announce, and is doing all he can to help us get ready for the move to Arizona!

The only problem he's been having lately is that he's getting sick and spitting up just enough to make me feel uncomfortable. Frequently it's just (and forgive me, i'm not trying to be gross, but as medically accurate as i can be) like spit; its clear and foamy. But occasionally he throws up his whole dinner or breakfast, and it's (again,… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on July 24, 2009 at 10:34am — 8 Comments

Milosaurus Update

Wanted to give an update on the fuzzbutt. Milo is doing very well. His biting problem has gotten so much better. We ended up going with the walk away method. The spray bottle has also been a great help with him, as he hates it, but isn't afraid of it so he's not aggressive towards it or us.

We also started working on the NILIF training method because we felt like he was just generally running the house for a while. It has been going very well. From the time we got him we taught him… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on May 9, 2009 at 8:52am — 1 Comment

Biting Jess ALOT

Ok so Milo has been steadily improving, and we're now past the halfway mark to six months!

However, we're having a pretty serious and escalating problem. He has been very aggressive with Jess lately. It's strange to me, since she cares for him more than anyone else. She takes him for more walks, plays with him more, trains him more, feeds him more... you get the idea. But in the last week or so, his behavior towards her is almost constantly aggressive. Hackles up, biting hard enough… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on March 27, 2009 at 7:39am — 6 Comments

Bleary-Eyed, please help

OK so here's the newest course of fun.

Milo has been doing well on sleeping in his crate each night. He rarely even cries. He climbs in, we cover it with a blanket, he sleeps. Like clockwork, he starts crying to be let out around 6:30, which is good for our schedule so that's been fine. Such has been the way of things for the last two weeks straight, really without fail. But here I am now, writing this post, unable to get Milo to stop crying (it's currently 2AM). I put him in his… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on March 19, 2009 at 1:56am — 4 Comments

No-Chew Sprays

Are there any chewing repellant sprays that actually work? I have a border collie who loves the taste of bitter apple, and our new corgi milo seems to not be put off at all by the taste of Nature's Miracle Best Behavior chew repellant.

Anyone know of any that work? Or any home-made concoctions? He's found a wooden post in our apartment that he really loves to chew on, and if he damages it, there goes our pet deposit! It's literally the only thing in our entire apartment he could… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on March 7, 2009 at 7:25pm — 5 Comments

A Request of Wisdom from the Masses

A few more puppy questions, regarding Milo, our 9-week old Pembroke.

Things have been going remarkably well lately, as he is starting to lighten up on the biting and paper training is moving along faster than I ever would have imagined. But here's my first question: what's up with his breath? He's partially on Nature's Recipe Puppy and partially on his original dog food, which was called Black Gold. I never heard of it, so we're trying to wean him off it slowly. I know dogs typically… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on March 4, 2009 at 9:31am — 9 Comments

Leaving Him Home Alone

Although no one likes to do it, I think it's a reality to admit that from time to time we all have to leave our puppies home alone. Whether it's work or school (or both, for us!), life calls us out of the house to places we can't being the dog. So herein lies my frustration. Milo is still very young, only 9 weeks as of posting, so I don't trust him to have run of my apartment just yet. I don't think it's safe for him or my property. I have been trying to corral him in my kitchen, the safest… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on February 27, 2009 at 2:22pm — 10 Comments

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