Wanted to give an update on the fuzzbutt. Milo is doing very well. His biting problem has gotten so much better. We ended up going with the walk away method. The spray bottle has also been a great help with him, as he hates it, but isn't afraid of it so he's not aggressive towards it or us.

We also started working on the NILIF training method because we felt like he was just generally running the house for a while. It has been going very well. From the time we got him we taught him to sit and wait until we said it was okay for him to eat his food. We're at the point now where he knows to sit and stay without us giving any commands...so he just sits and waits until we say "okay" and point at his bowl. He sits and waits for us to open the door to go out, he sits before he's allowed to get off the bed in the morning (sometimes he gets really crazy on the bed in the mornings so we are working on no barking), he has to do "sit" or "down" before we will throw his toys for him. Overall he does very well and it helps him be a little less insane during play time.

We also do several quick training sessions with him through out the day. He knows sit, stay, come, down, up, shake, other paw (for some reason for the longest time he refused to shake with both so we had to start separate commands for each paw), and circle (this one is hilarious because he turns in a full circle and does a funny little hop halfway through). We are starting work on high five and roll over, for some reason he seems to pick it up quicker when there are two tricks we are working on at the same time. He also does a lot better with following hand commands than verbal ones, which is helpful to an extent because we teach him the hand command and then continue with the verbal until we can switch completely to the verbal command.

He has a clean bill of health and plenty of energy. He is a little bit small for his age, but he was the runt of the litter and his parents weren't very big either, so he is probably just going to be a tiny guy. He has been doing very well with other dogs, although dogs that are a lot bigger than him make him a little nervous sometimes, so he hides behind us. He is also doing really well with kids and making lots of friends in the neighborhood.

His barking is really the only issue we are still working on. Sometimes he barks a lot for no reason that we can see. He'll be sitting half asleep and suddenly just start barking. When someone comes home he barks, which we don't mind at all. It's just when he barks constantly into space, he doesn't even look at us, that we get annoyed. Any tips or ideas? He doesn't listen to the "no bark" command and even the spray bottle doesn't work sometimes. Thanks for everything and sorry for the novel!

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Comment by Bev Levy on May 9, 2009 at 9:01am
Sounds like you guys are doing everything right! Good for you, all corgis deserve such good owners!

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