Are there any chewing repellant sprays that actually work? I have a border collie who loves the taste of bitter apple, and our new corgi milo seems to not be put off at all by the taste of Nature's Miracle Best Behavior chew repellant.

Anyone know of any that work? Or any home-made concoctions? He's found a wooden post in our apartment that he really loves to chew on, and if he damages it, there goes our pet deposit! It's literally the only thing in our entire apartment he could damage that is a permanent fixture!

I've been watching him from upstairs, where he can't see me, so that i could figure out whether or not it was an attention-getting strategy of his. But I watched him for a solid 5 minutes, and he never left it alone. He didn't even seem to notice I had suddenly left the room. He's still too small to do any real damage to this post, but I'm anxious to train this behavior out of him and quick.

Please help!

{As a quick aside, thank you so much to each and every person who has read my blogs and responded oh-so-quickly. I've been around dogs all my life, but this is the first puppy I've raised completely on my own. Your help is so very much appreciated. I am so thankful to all of you.}

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Comment by Heidianna & Daisy Dog on March 8, 2009 at 5:37pm
Daisy LOVED the taste of bitter apple... hot sauce did the trick for her. She had a huge problem playing/biting/licking socks and feet... hot sauce did the trick there too.
Comment by Luke & Jess on March 8, 2009 at 9:29am
He doesn't seem to get the message. If I (Jess) tell him no then he comes at me harder. He tears around the house chasing my pants and bites hard. This morning I was up with him alone, so that Luke could get some sleep though and I discovered that he may not respond to the chew repellent, but he doesn't like the smell of the Nature's Miracle cleaner. It's safe for him to lick so I sprayed a little on my pants and he hasn't bit me once since. He hasn't even opened his mouth to try. He just seems turned off by the smell. Thanks for the advice!
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 7, 2009 at 8:27pm
Jean cuffs you can tell him no and pull him off. He'll get the idea. Don't allow this behavior.
Comment by Luke & Jess on March 7, 2009 at 8:21pm
Ok great! Will try it soon! I knew something in my spice rack would prove helpful in this, just didn't know what to try.

What about my girlfriend's jean cuffs? Milo just can't resist.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 7, 2009 at 7:43pm
Buy some hot pepper sauce...once his tongue touches that he won't dare do it again. It stings like a dickens and once you break him of the habit you can wash it off. Cured my guys and let me tell you...their tongues were going a mile a minute so calcium takes the sting out so I offered them some yogurt but if they did it again they were on their own for awhile which none of mine did.

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