Although no one likes to do it, I think it's a reality to admit that from time to time we all have to leave our puppies home alone. Whether it's work or school (or both, for us!), life calls us out of the house to places we can't being the dog. So herein lies my frustration. Milo is still very young, only 9 weeks as of posting, so I don't trust him to have run of my apartment just yet. I don't think it's safe for him or my property. I have been trying to corral him in my kitchen, the safest place for him to be alone. I include all his toys and his bed in there with him, to try to make him comfortable. But he has broken out of this enclosure every time, which we only discover after we have returned. So far, no damage to our property or to himself has occurred. But I am not willing to let this go to chance. I am paper training him for housebreaking, and as such I have not bought a crate. But is it time to cave in and buy one? It wasn't a monetary issue, I'm willing to spend what I need to raise him best. I just didn't think I'd need one.
Is it time?

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Comment by Luke & Jess on March 2, 2009 at 7:11am
Got a crate yesterday, and today would have been his first day taking it for a spin, but some snow in center city scared my school into a snow day! Good news for all, since it's better to spend time with us than in a cage or by himself, but we were actually looking forward to seeing how he did with it. He'll get his chance soon. I guess this time can be used to help him get more used to the crate while we're around to help him see that it's not a punishment?
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 1, 2009 at 10:25pm
Crate training is safe and really speeds things along. Midwest Stages is a great kennel w/a divider and a pan that slides out for easy cleaning. With the wire kennel you can mount water bowls to the side to keep them from spilling as well. has a great deal on them.
Comment by Alice on February 27, 2009 at 7:03pm
We had a play pen and a crate when we first got Finn at 8 weeks. He would sleep in the crate by our bed and never had an accident in it for the full 8 or 9 hours we were asleep. While we were at work we would put him in the playpen in the kitchen to give him more room to stretch his legs but he would always pee and jump at the gate so by the time we got home, we'd have a pee soaked puppy and a play pen that had been pushed across the kitchen which only made the mess worse. We continued this routine for about 2 1/2 months before deciding to do away with the pen. Now he stays in his crate while we are gone (usually no more than 4 hours at a time since I come home on my break to take him out) and he does just fine. He has a towel and some toys as well as a rawhide to chew on and that’s it. He has still never had an accident in the crate and he doesn't bark when he's in the crate which is odd because he'll bark any other time, but this is a definite plus since we live in an apartment and don't want to bug the neighbors. I would have to say the crate is your best training tool. Good luck!
Comment by Paddy and Karley the Corgies on February 27, 2009 at 3:48pm
RE: HOME ALONE..What worked best for me and my dog was a "play pen" I bought it through In fact, to this day when I leave Paddy home alone he prefers his pen. Its much bigger than a crate. He has room for his bed and toys and he can't hurt himself. And he has never tried to escape. Here is a link if you would like to check it out. He has the 4x4, 24 inch high exercise pen. I hope this info is helpful.
Comment by Kelly on February 27, 2009 at 3:41pm
Crate training sped up Gibson's potty training tremendously!! We had first kept him in a small enclosed area during the day, but he kept peeing everywhere (on newspaper, but it would make his living area so small) and I'd come home to a crying puppy. I then just kept him in his crate and he would hold it for the 4 hours at a time that I was at work (most of the time, he had a few accidents, which stopped after I took out his bedding). It seems cruel, but they are fine in there.. your pup will probably be more comfortable and sleep the whole time :)
Comment by Luke & Jess on February 27, 2009 at 2:57pm
Thanks everyone for the speedy advice. I do believe I'll be picking up a crate this weekend! This little boy is a handful but there's nothing else like it when a corgi puppy falls asleep on your chest while you lay on the floor with him, is there?
Comment by LORRAINE on February 27, 2009 at 2:55pm
As hard as it is to see them in a cage i feel its safer for them and the sooner he gets used to it the easier and less worrying it will be for you. I got my puppy atseven weeks and only really put him in there when i couldnt give him my full attention. I put his bed at the top end and his toys on one side then his training pad at the front with a bowl of water. He soon got the idea about the pads and would wee on it and not in his bed or play area. Apparently Corgis are fussy about clean beds and will soon learn that they dont like mess where they sleep!!! Wilf now doesnt have a cage he sleeps on his bed in the kitchen at night(which is his own sofa) spoilt or what ha ha. Hope this may help you or a little food for thought, good luck anyway with him he looks gorgeous !!!!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 27, 2009 at 2:52pm
I also recommend crate training. We don't need to secure Sidney in his anymore, but we leave it open and sometimes he goes inside to sleep.

You might also try to figure out how he is getting out of the gate, or invest in a more escape-proof one. We got a nice one with a door at Petco and only the cats can get around it :-)
Comment by Ginny and Diggory on February 27, 2009 at 2:46pm
The crate is really a great thing to have... it's not cruel, in fact, mine likes to go to her crate when she wants to take a nap on her own. Given them some fun toys and put them in there with a old used towel that you won't be upset if it gets chewed up or piddled on. Good luck!
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 27, 2009 at 2:42pm
Yes, go and get him a crate, ones that you can sub-divide, it will speed up your house training. Read this article, follow it, be consistent and he'll be house broken in 9 months :) In the mean time, you can clear your bathroom and put him in while you're out.

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