Bogart the Cardigan visiting Fort Payne, Alabama - Carden Farm, home of the Challenges Met Therapeutic Riding School

Thursday, May 16 we drove about 90 miles each way to visit our friend Gail Carden who has a very special business in Fort Payne Alabama called Challenges Met Therapeutic Riding School.  Kids with special needs get great therapy by riding on horses. We got to see some of the clients during their session, it was truly inspiring.  We also had fun checking out the farm, a stream, eating our share of things we shouldn't, AND Bogart went into a nearby field where some mules were grazing and tried to herd them.  They didn't cooperate and started chasing him instead! His feelings were hurt and he gave them some ferocious barks from the safety of the other side of the fence.  Here's a pic of the mules:

Bogart also tried to herd the horse and rider in the paddock... here's a video:

Trying to herd a horse

Tried to retrieve sticks from a stream, that was fun!

And rolled in horse dung, which resulted in a bath as SOON as we got home - video clip here:

Rolling in horse dung

But what a great day we had!

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