I have joined the "you can't have just one" club. Introducing Bunny the corgi!

She's around 7 to 8 months old and she is basically a rescue. I'm the third home she's been in her short life. Despite all that, she's very friendly, loves people and is very sweet. However, potty training is lacking and is something we are working on. It's a challenge because she doesn't give me a warning that she's about to go. She just squats and go and immediately goes back to playing. Other training is okay. She knows sit, picked up down super fast, is working on wait, drop it, quiet (this is a big one as she hates being out of sight of me, which is totally understandable from her history) and off. She walks well on the leash but does try to herd the cars as they pass.

She's also a heavy chewer and chewed through several toys and left a huge hole in the mat in her crate. So now her crate is totally empty. I need to find something for her to chew on. Antlers and bones are out because Ted broke a tooth on one or the other. I'm going to try a Kong next and see if it lasts more than a day.

Her and Teddy have been getting along really well, with some slight jealousy and some minor growlings with food bowls. She's very interested in the cats, but also very wary. The cats are not happy that there's another dog in the house but they have come out of hiding. They are teaching her not to chase them or she will get smacked.

Having two is so much work but oh so much fun.

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Comment by Vicky Hay on September 19, 2015 at 10:16pm

LOL! She looks like a bunny with those ears! And you can just see her thinking..."Mwa ha ha! How can I outfox this human?"

Ruby the Corgi Pup took a long, LONG time to house-train. It may be that the breed is a little stubborn about the "potty outside" trick? Eventually she got it, though. Have her checked for a urinary tract infection...the vet figured out that was Ruby's problem. After she was completely over it (took more than one course of antibiotics, o happy day), she was fine with the house-training.

She was never a chewer, thank goodness. But because of the floor-christening activities, I got an X-pen, which also came in handy outdoors to keep her away from the unfenced pool. She didn't seem to mind being in it as long as a human was visible, and it sure helped a lot to contain the destruction. :-D

Comment by Linda on September 19, 2015 at 8:54am

Leave it me to hit submit before I finish.  Bunny is a pretty gal!

Comment by Linda on September 19, 2015 at 8:54am

Congratulations!!!!  As someone...my mind fails as to who...just the other day told me corgis are like Lay's potato chips, you can't have just one.  Neither of mine have destroyed their kongs but they must unstuffed every other toy and kill the squeaker.

Sit back and enjoy the ride!  It will be fun, maddening, crazy but you will love every minute.

Comment by Jane Christensen on September 18, 2015 at 9:59pm
Awww, congrats. I like kongs and also the smallest rubber ChuckIt balls. The tennis ones they will destroy but I have never a Corgi destroy the rubber ones but I've had Corgis just hold them in their chomp on them continually.

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