I've so been enjoying my round ball of fuzz...a true fluff-ball! Since she's a fluffy, I've always said how curious I was to see how her mature coat develops. While I knew a change was coming, I never expected to notice the change! I just thought that one day I'd look back at puppy picutres and wonder where the fuzz went! Anway, the other night I looked down at her and she appeared to have a line down the center of her back. At first, I freaked! Where did that come from? What's going on? What's wrong? Is she going bald? Being the worry-wort that I am (and a very over-protective puppy mommy) I investigated, brushed, and investigated some more...Nope, no bald spots, no skin irritation, nothing...just a natural ummm, less dense perhaps, strip of fuzz...Sigh....I thought I was going nuts, but the whole family noticed it. I guess this means her baby fuzz is starting to leave and her grown-up fluff is on the way...I'm still amazed at how quickly puppies grow and change!

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Comment by Rachel on October 28, 2010 at 10:51pm
Awww... my Isabella was the same way. It was like shinier, longer, wavier fur down the line of her spine. Then I knew my fuzzy puppy was going bye-bye :-(
Comment by Kari & Quin on October 28, 2010 at 8:06pm
Quin is a fluff also, she is almost a year old (nov.5) and i was worried also when she started to get that wavy strip down her back, because all fluffys are different in the degree of fluffyness I thought oh no is this how she is going to look? Cause she was just adorable. but then as i was looking at other fluffs on here I found one that had puppy pictures and i realized she would get in her adult fur I also asked and was told that they dont have their full adult coat until about 18 months i thought that once the strip went away that she was pretty much done but she continues to get longer you can tell from my pictures:0 I have them in order of her age. She will be beautiful!! Right now she is adorable:)
Comment by Teresa Gilpin on October 28, 2010 at 7:03pm
She is such a beautiful corgi, please keeping posting the darling pictures.
Comment by Betts on October 28, 2010 at 7:01pm
I remember that the hair is wavy at first, but it usually straightens out. It is odd that the first adult fur is right down the back, but that's where I remember noticing it too. I've still got soft puppy fluff with Ffionn, but they do grow up fast. In another month I'll be finding that stripe as well, I know. It will be interesting to see how much red he ends up having, though.
Comment by Jen on October 28, 2010 at 4:58pm
Ginger has the opposite problem. In the last couple of weeks she has a very defined line down her back, but that's where her hair is the thickest! All of the sudden she has massive amounts of wavey red hair running down the middle of her back. Very pretty, but like you, it appeared almost over night!
Comment by Molly and Isabella on October 28, 2010 at 4:19pm
Exactly, Wesley! Mixed emotions, for sure...
Comment by Wesley Belcheer on October 28, 2010 at 4:10pm
I noticed the same line down the back of our puppy. It was sad but exciting at the same time.

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