Hello all my corgi friends!  It's been a while since I have checked in.  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and enjoyed time with family, friends and fur babies.  Isabella was spoiled rotten with new toys and treats.  She loved chewing up all the boxes and wrapping paper.  It was great fun!  Oh, right before Christmas Isabella went to her first grooming appointment.  I am great at baths and have no problems there, but she developed a few mats behind her ears that I didn't want to tackle and her nails needed attention.  I don't want to attempt that, either!  Anyway, she did a great job and looked so fluffy and pretty when she was done.  The groomer did a "sanitary trim", but honestly, I couldn't tell much of a difference.  Her fuzzy butt could have used a bit more trimming...I think I say that now, as a result of my next topic...


Spay Surgery Monday 1/3/11:  Sunday night, no food after 6pm.  It was hard going to bed without a cookie!  The next morning, I dropped Isabella off for surgery.  I knew she'd be spending the night (that was tough!).  I called a little after 1:30 to check on her and everything went great.  Yay!  The next morning my  husband picked her up.  I guess she pouted the whole way home and wouldn't even look at him.  She is a pro pouter!  She had no post op meds or anything.  She pretty much rested the whole day and just wanted to be close with her people.  She must have forgiven my husband because she wouldn't take her eyes off him.  If he left the room, she'd look for him.  I didn't get to see her until I got home from work.  Oh, how I missed her!  She was happy to see me, but obviously in pain and not feeling too good.  She ate dinner and drank water and slept.  All was well.


The next day, shit hit the fan (and everywhere else, too!). Isabella had loose stool and diarrhea all day.  Her bottom is so fluffy that every single time we had to wash her.  That was a challenge since her incision couldn't get wet.  This started at 6:30 a.m. after she had horrific gas all night.  Woke me up it was so stinky!  Anyway, this went on all day (my poor puppy and husband!  He was home taking care of her).  My husband called the vet and was told it could be from the change in food while she was there.  They feed Science Diet and we feed Blue Buffalo chicken and rice.  Anyway, they said it should pass in a day or two and to let them know if there are any changes.  Surprisingly, through all the poo (at least 7 butt cleanings yesterday), Isabella was much spunkier, bright eyed and happier than the day before.


3:30 a.m. this morning I get woken by a soft bark.  I get her to the yard where she promptly squats.  Great.  More butt washing.  She squated in 5 spots before she was done.  I felt so bad for her and started to get more worried.  She went right back to sleep and I got her up about 6:30.  I got even more worried when she wouldn't drink, eat her breakfast or even a cookie.  She LOVES her cookies.  I had to leave for work and by the time my husband got home from taking kids to school, she was like a noodle.  He called the vet right away...


Isabella is now back at the vet, with a fever and dehydration.  The vet says the incision looks good, great actually.  No swelling or redness.  Isabella is being given fluids and is having bloodwork done.  We'll have the results this evening.  She'll be in the hospital another night.  I knew it wasn't a meal or two of Science Diet that caused this, but we're still going to take some of her food to the vet so she can be fed what we feed her.  Now, I'm beside myself.  I'm worried sick, yet know she is being taken care of.  I'm happy she's there getting the care she needs...  I'll give any updates as I know them... 

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Comment by Elizabeth on January 7, 2011 at 4:41pm
Wonderful!  FYI - Antibiotics are routinely prescribed for Colitis (inflamed colon).  Dewi had it a while back.  It has something to do with getting the bacterial environment in the colon back to "normal" again.  Dewi recovered quickly once he started the meds and special diet (Hill's Prescription Diet i/d).
Comment by Molly and Isabella on January 7, 2011 at 4:19pm
She's home!  I have been in a meeting from 8:30 to 12:30, but my husband and daughter picked up Isabella around 10:30 this morning.  I guess she was super frisky and happy to see them...jumping up on them and going crazy.  She was sent home with an anti-infammatory and an antibiotic.  I don't know the particulars of the meds but I know they didn't want her to be in pain and with the diarreah on top of the surgery they want to keep her comfy, I guess.  Not sure what the antibiotic is for, maybe a preventative.  There was nothing conclusive in the tests that would call for antibiotics.  I'll get more particulars when I go home tonight.  My husband says she's back to her spunky self and now it will be hard to keep her calm while healing.  Thanks again to everyone for the support!
Comment by Elizabeth on January 7, 2011 at 12:16pm
Great news!
Comment by Jane on January 7, 2011 at 12:12pm
I'm kind of surprised the vet didn't ask you to bring in some of her own food in the very beginning, especially after having a stressful thing like surgery done. My cardi had some tummy troubles too after his neuter. You can give her boiled chicken and some rice to help with an upset tummy, just small amounts at a time. Sometimes I'll give Ensure as well if it seems like they aren't drinking much water. Hope your girl feels better soon!
Comment by Ellen Andersen on January 7, 2011 at 12:03pm
Sounds like Isabella is on the mend!  Great news!
Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on January 7, 2011 at 11:19am

awww poor little girl! my thoughts and prayers are with you in this hard time. i look forward to good news on a speedy rcovery but try not to worry to much:) she is in good hands and will be better soon in a few days.

i dont have a fluff but i had the same EXACT thing happen to us when he got neutered. hang in there! she will be better in no time:)

Comment by Molly and Isabella on January 7, 2011 at 11:17am
UPDATE:  We went to the vet's office last night about 5pm.  Vet came out and told us that Isabella was really perky!  I was so relieved.  She had been given fluids to rehydrate her.  She had no diarrhea the whole day (don't know if she had any bowel movements, but good to know no diarrhea).  She was given some sort of mild food that is intended for this type of situation and she gobbled it right up.  He gave her a little more, and she ate that, too.  I'm sure she was hungry as she hadn't eaten since the night before.  We were still waiting for the results of the blood work and he wanted to keep her there for observation over night as I had already planned for.  I didn't get to see her, I was just so happpy the report was good.  I was fine with that and decided I didn't want to disrupt her and then leave her again -- for her sake and mine, I'm sure!  The vet called home around 6:40 pm as he had waited around for the results.  He said all the bloodwork looked good!  All bloodcounts and levels and what-nots looked A-OK.  Whew!  He said she should be able to come home tomorrow (which is now today) and we should hear from them by 9am.  He'll be in first thing this morning for treatments and will evaluate her then.  Fingers crossed my baby will be home today!  So, still no answer as to what could have caused this.  He said it could have been the food.  I still suspect it was a combo of everything...the surgey, the stress of it all emotionally and physically and maybe partially the food, too.  Whatever it is/was, I think she's on the mend.  I'll update again later today when I have more news.  Thanks again to everyone for your support and well-wishes! 
Comment by Joanne Koppenaal on January 7, 2011 at 7:42am
My thoughts are with you today Molly, keep us posted on Isabella. Hope she is home soon!
Comment by Ellen Andersen on January 6, 2011 at 10:56pm
Fingers and paws crossed here for Isabella.
Comment by Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!) on January 6, 2011 at 7:42pm
Oh I hope Isabella recovers okay from all this.  It has me a little concerned about my Luna - I'm going to be scheduling her spay for the end of this month - your story has me a little more overprotective mommy-mode now.

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