My Corgi Lola tends to act like a chow hound by making sure to eat all of her food in one sitting and even lick all of the crumbs out of the bowl.  However, this past week she has been barely touching her food, won't eat it all in one sitting, and spills her water all over the place.  Normally we can't do anything to get her away from her dish until everything is gone but now we can't seem to do anything to get her to go to her dish in the first place...  Since we live over an hour from the vet it can be a little hard to get there on such short notice, especially in winter...  Could she be depressed?

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Comment by Brian D Graham on February 27, 2013 at 12:53am

I agree with Melissa on this one I would have been at the vets that day I would rather be thought a nurotic Pet owner Owner by my vet than see my baby Suffer!. I can see where you are coming from time getting to the vets and the big one the cost! Vets have $$$ signs in their eyes when a pet owner comes with a pedigree animal because they know we will do whatever needs to be done for our pets no matter what the cost!. Call me nurotic my partner does! I just get the feeling when something is not right with Oscar it's off to the vet 99.99% of the time it's nothing but it is better to be sure because it could lead to something more if not investigated!.


I hope it all works out for Lola



Brian , Paul , Oscar & Sam

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on February 26, 2013 at 10:34pm

Have you checked her mouth lately? Does she have any newly broken or infected teeth? Cut on the roof of her mouth or tongue? Any change in food recently?

I would say not eating, lethargy, and hiding would warrant a vet visit as these are usually two main signs of a sick dog. I would doubt that depression would be a reason for her to be hiding if she was upset about you working I would think she would be more clingy to you while you are home and/or ask to play and spend time with you while you are home. 

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 26, 2013 at 4:52pm

Sage will regularly disappear like that. She hasn't been going to work with me as much either.

Comment by Lola and Paige on February 26, 2013 at 1:44pm

Lola will be 1 year in a couple of weeks.  The last time I had her to the vet they said that she had all of her grown up teeth and I check her teeth semi regularly because she loves to play tug of war so I worry that she may pull one out (our chihuahua already lost his two front teeth because of this).  She still drinks about two bowlfulls of water a day sometimes more depending on how much we play, and she pees every three hours when I take her out and poops about three to four times a day.

I wonder if she might be depressed because I recently got a part time job that requires me to be away from the home for about six hours a day whereas for the first six months or so of having her I was at home everyday.  We do go for a walk for about five miles almost everyday and she gets to go into the yard to play for half hour periods.  Most of the time she is such a happy dog but I am finding more incidences where she may go missing for about a half hour to 45 minutes and I find that she has put herself to bed.  She doesn't get into the mood to play as often...

Comment by Bev Levy on February 26, 2013 at 12:47pm

Could she be teething? Also, check her teeth to see if she might have a broken one. If this continues you really should have the vet check her.

Comment by Yuki & Ellie on February 26, 2013 at 12:25pm

Is it possible that she has an upset tummy?  Has she been drinking, peeing and pooping?  My first reaction, when I see my own dogs not eating, is to try putting them on a bland diet of boiled hamburger and rice.  For us, the cause has always been stomach upset which is helped by the bland food.  

Perhaps you should schedule an appointment, just in case, and give her a day or two on a more bland diet?  Appointments can always be canceled if she improves before then.

Comment by Beth on February 26, 2013 at 12:06pm
How old is Lola?

Any changes to the home that would make you think she might be depressed?

Loss of appetite can be nothing or a big problem, depending on the dog. Growing up we had dogs that would regularly not eat much for a few days if they were inactive, got into something, had an upset tummy, etc.

With the two I have now, if they did not want to eat for just one full day I'd have them to the vet for a full exam, bloodwork, etc, because I know they want to eat even if they are in pain, sick, stressed, etc.

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