It was a day of sitting. A day of raining. A day of utter inside boredom that had to be rectified, through any means.

So our mighty (and rather short) hero takes these matters into his own short paws...


... *cue dramatic music*

"Oh ho, foul feline villian! I am liberating this comfy sofa from your clawed clutches!"

"We do battle, tooth to claw, tooth to claw!"

"Meanwhile, my faithful brother hears my plight and comes to my aid! Haha, striped nemesis! You will feel the Wrath of the Cardigans!"

"I said, comes to my aid, not stand there and laugh at me, Simon!!! Simon! Ow, Simon, give me some help here!"



"Yeah, yeah, I hear you howling threats of revenge. Know what? It's just not threatening because you're hiding behind the bathroom doorframe while you're doing it. I wash my face of you!"

*grins* Sorry - after being laid up a week with the flu, you start to find things to amuse yourself with! ;)

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Comment by Shepdog on October 22, 2009 at 1:47pm
Hahah, thanks guys... :) Yeah, you can tell that Caleb's a pistol all right. You'd think he'd learn - the cat always wins. ;)

(And I love their coloring too. They've both turned out really striking!)

Kristin: I use a Nikon D60, with a multitude of lenses. I just happened to be downloading some stuff when the two started up again, so I hauled it out and snapped from the hip, haha. Normally for an indoor shot with the animals, I use a different flash, the on board one isn't really helpful.

But glad I could make you laugh - I'll tell you, whatever this flu bug was, it won big time, ugh. I surrender!
Comment by Kristin P on October 22, 2009 at 9:56am
NICE!! That was awesome! Can you pleeeease tell me what kind of camera you have?? We're shopping for a new one, and yours looks like it takes EXCELLENT action photos! :)
Comment by Alice on October 21, 2009 at 7:08pm
If my husband and I weren't both allergic to cats we would totally get one. Finnigan loves cats, they just don't love him. :)
Comment by Melinda (Penny's Mom) on October 21, 2009 at 4:45pm
Oh my...that was sooo funny...thank you so much for sharing! PS...the coloring on your dogs are beautiful!
Comment by Alice on October 21, 2009 at 1:43pm
Ha ha, that was awesome! Not only were those great pics but your captions were funny too. You can definitely tell which Cardi is the troublemaker. :)
Comment by Jenni & Dave Fields on October 21, 2009 at 1:12pm
very cute!!! I love the captions!
Comment by Sky and Lyla on October 21, 2009 at 11:43am
I love it when the dogs and kitties play together. So funny!
Comment by Marion Hebert on October 21, 2009 at 9:57am
You made my day....Who could not chuckle at these pictures and the comments you added with them. Thanks for sharing. Marion
Comment by Butter on October 21, 2009 at 9:05am
So cute and beautiful photography and animals! Have you ever considered using your gift of photography and your imagine to write a children's book. Seriously, you should. I love these pictures and story!!! Joy and Butter
Comment by Bev Levy on October 21, 2009 at 8:04am
I am glad to see you were greatly entertained by your crew while yo were home sick! Thanks for sharing.

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