You think she's got some puppies in there? ;)
It's amazing how fast she's popped. There is now not any angle at which she doesn't look pregnant, and sometimes it's startling.
Clue attended Christmas at my parents' house (she's with my baby sister above) because a bunch of family dogs got dropped off at our house and I didn't want her to be stressed by the chaos or noise. In retrospect it was not a great decision because (of course) I forgot or didn't take into account the fact that my parents treat dogs like dogs, not like hairy college professors. Clue was utterly confused by the fact that she couldn't sit on the couch, couldn't hang out under the table while we ate, and didn't get any presents. I am glad to be back home and so is she. She's sacked out on the couch on her pillows under her blanket, the way it should be :).
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful evening.
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